Traveller Pride Week: Invitation to Tender - Events Coordinator Traveller Arts Festival

Traveller Pride Week logos

Events Coordinator

Invitation to tender: Overview

The Traveller Pride Steering Committee wishes to contract an Events Coordinator to deliver and manage the Traveller Pride Week Concert. The concert is the national event celebrating Traveller Pride Week, which is coordinated by the Traveller Pride Steering Committee and funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. This is an open invitation to tender, and all suitably qualified and experienced people are invited to submit proposals.

Traveller Pride Week Concert

The Traveller Pride Week has been held annually for the past 11 years with support from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The Traveller Pride Week takes place from19 – 30th May 2025. Throughout the Traveller Pride Week, national and local events take place around the country celebrating and promoting Travellers’ contribution to every aspect of Irish life including arts, education, culture, community work, youth work, employment & enterprise, drama, sport, and music.

The National Traveller Concert will celebrate Traveller culture and identity as part of Traveller Pride Week and a moment of celebration for Travellers and Traveller organisations across Ireland. It will be held in The Complex on Friday 23rd May with an estimated running time of 2.5 – 3 hours. It is as a high-quality event with national reach to a range of target audiences with multiple level and cross creative outputs and is designed to attract media and public attention on the day and for further Traveller Pride Week events and to create public awareness in general. With a programme yet to be determined it will showcase Traveller music, art, spoken word storytelling and other art forms as well as artists who are allies to the Traveller community.

The Traveller Pride Steering Committee

The Traveller Pride Steering Committee plays the key national coordinating and communications role for the Traveller Pride Week and oversees the annual national event. The Committee comprises eight national Traveller organisations, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre, Irish Traveller Movement, Parish of Travelling People, Exchange House Ireland, Involve, National Traveller Women’s Forum, Minceirs Whiden, and National Traveller MABS.

The Role

Overseen by a steering committee, the Events Coordinator will manage and coordinate the delivery of the event and report on delivery and timeline. A sub-committee of key representatives from the steering committee will act as point of contact.

Person Specification

It is desirable that the Events Coordinator is

  • Creative, takes initiative and is well organised.
  • Possesses excellent communications skills.
  • Has a clear understanding of diversity, equality, inclusion and challenges faced by marginalised groups such as the Traveller community.
  • Has a clear knowledge and understanding of Traveller culture.
  • Demonstrates experience in event management.
  • Demonstrates PR, multimedia and social media skills.
  • Demonstrates experience in one or more of the following areas:
    • Arts & Culture,
    • Human Rights, Traveller Rights, Rights of Marginalised Groups,
    • Cultural Rights,
    • Community Development,
    • Not-for-profit organisations.

We particularly welcome proposals from members of the Traveller community, members of other minority groups, women, LGBTIQ+ people, people with disability and other applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds.


The contract is due to start at the beginning of April 2025 with the delivery on 23rd May 2025.


The budget is based on achievement of deliverables within the timeframe and a preferred project rate. The overall budget for the event is based on two components: event delivery and third party. It will cover all costs associated with the role, including travel and other relevant expenses.

The Events Coordinator will be expected to clearly state costs involved for event delivery and third party delivery and negotiate value for money third party supplies. Unquantified costs will not be accepted.

Target Audience

Multilevel: Local Traveller organisations, Travellers, musicians, performers, media, political and public sector, civil society groups and the general public

Reporting Process

To be agreed on at the first meeting with the oversight group.

Project Actions

  • Liaise with steering committee and agree key actions.
  • Source and liaise with artists, performers and exhibitors in coordination with steering committee, draft biographies and backgrounds, identify needs and organise travel and accommodation.
  • Coordinate invite and guest list with steering committee.
  • Identify and liaise with event stakeholders providing briefs for MC and associated tasks (significant input required).
  • Coordinate other entertainment/cultural elements for day of event.
  • Event logistics, venue and event management.
  • Media and communications including social media.
  • Reporting to steering committee.

Requirements for Proposals

  • Brief outline of previous work, experience and on desirable qualities.
  • Brief outline how the project will be implemented, including key actions.
  • Outline timetable and indication of time to be allocated to each element.
  • Outline budget and full cost breakdown.


To apply, please email your proposal to:

All applications must be submitted by email by Tuesday 1st April, 5pm.

For more information please contact:

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide