Email bulletin terms

Every weekend, two weekly digests of the content that’s available on our website are sent out to more than 33,000 subscribers. 

Activelink Jobs and Volunteering is a must-read for those who are looking to get involved in the non-profit sector, and Community Exchange contains information about training, events, funding, fundraisers, and charitable offers or requests.


General Information

We send out one email on each list every week, except for the New Year's holiday.

Subscription to our e-bulletins is free and we offer free support to our subscribers by email and telephone during Irish business hours. 

When you subscribe to each of our mailing lists you will be sent a confirmation email (for each list), and your subscription will not become active until you have clicked on the confirmation link(s) in the email(s). If you do not confirm your email address within 10 days then you may have to start over.

Each list email that we send includes an unique “unsubscribe” link at its foot. Note that if you forward a mail with this link to another person, who then clicks on it, you will become unsubscribed!

If there is a delivery problem to your mailbox, such as “unknown recipient”, our mailing will bounce back to us, causing you to become unsubscribed from it. Bounced accounts are held in a state whereby you cannot resubscribe for 3-4 days, after which your account for the relevant mailing is deleted. You may then resubscribe and will have to re-verify your email address.

If you ever accidentally mark one of our list emails as spam in a webmail service, such as Gmail, you will automatically become unsubscribed from that list and may become permanently unable to resubscribe to it. Please email or call us to have this resolved, if it should happen.


We never give out the email addresses of our mailing list subscribers, or use them for any other purpose. 

We do not store your email address in our web site's database, it is relayed on to our mailing software.

We operate block-lists whereby we can block email addresses from being subscribed to individual mailing lists, or to all of our mailing lists, including any that we may introduce in the future. Please contact us and we will add any email addresses that you control to these lists by request.

Click here for information about the privacy of users of this site.

Terms and Conditions

The Activelink Jobs and Volunteering and the Community Exchange bulletins are copyright, (c) Activelink, and we hereby grant you their free use for personal and non-commercial purposes. We do not permit their use for profit or gain without our written and signed permission to do so. We also expressly forbid you from using them to misrepresent yourself or any other party, or to utilise them for any illegal or abusive purposes.

While we do our utmost to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within our mailings, we offer no guarantees whatsoever, and you use the information that they contain entirely at your own risk.

You signify your acceptance of these terms by subscribing to any of our mailing lists.


These mailing lists are operated by Activelink, 32 Sandyford Office Park, Blackthorn Avenue, Sandyford, Dublin D18 XP22, Ireland. 

You can email us on or telephone us on +353-1-6677326 during business hours, so please contact us if you have any problems, queries, or requests related to our mailings, and we will do our utmost to assist you.