Activelink provides an effective advertising service to the community and non-profit sector. Adverts are carried on this website and are also promoted to more than 25,000 subscribers in weekly email bulletins. Your advert reaches your ideal audience – those with an interest in our sector – providing you with optimal results.
Published for Free
- Requests for volunteers
- News items and public events
- Fundraising activities
- Charitable offers or requests
- Free services to the sector
- Grants
- Funding
- Free training and free courses
- Publications (news, launches)
Payment Required
- Paid employment vacancies
- Paid interns (in receipt of more than basic expenses)
- CE scheme vacancies
- Tús scheme vacancies
- Requests for tenders
- Paid training and courses
- For-profit seminars, conferences or events
- Paid for services
- Advertising into the sector
Some items require payment (€146.34 + 23% VAT = €180), but others are free to advertise.
There is a discounted rate (€73.17 + 23% VAT = €90) for organisations with fewer than eight staff members (including part-time and staff on the Community Employment Scheme) and individuals or sole traders.
Want to pre-book adverts in bulk? Email us at
Adverts appear until their closing date, or for a maximum of two months, whichever occurs soonest.
The website has two main sections, Community Exchange and Vacancies & Tenders.
You may also add your organisation to our Irish Links database (free of charge).
A summary of your advert is also placed in one of our weekly email bulletins for two consecutive weeks:
- Activelink Jobs & Volunteering has more than 22,000 subscribers, and is emailed on Saturday mornings.
- Community Exchange has nearly 11,000 subscribers and is delivered on Sunday mornings.