This is the Activelink Community Exchange noticeboard.
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This presentation examines the connections between critical transnational feminist theory and praxis in institutional academic settings, drawing on Chandra Talpade Mohanty and M. Jacqui Alexander’s arguments in “Cartographies of Knowledge and Power” (2010).
Our volunteer reflexologists offer supportive and relaxing reflexology to ARC clients, enhancing the client’s overall wellness and for those with cancer, providing relief and respite.
Our volunteers welcome our clients, chat with them, provide information on ARC and support clients to sign up to ARC services. No experience required, all training and ongoing support will be provided.
In this free Webinar we will explore how we can salvage the most important thing possible from the wreckage when relationships go wrong – the future. To do so we do not need to recover what’s left of the wreckage of the past in order to survive. All are welcome.
This skills-based course is an intensive 60-hour training and run as three separate modules over a period of two months. It is designed for volunteers, frontline workers and professionals who want to obtain a foundation in conflict resolution and mediation skills for use in their own organisation or work situation.
We are looking for volunteers that are passionate about ensuring that the voices of cancer patients, survivors, families and caregivers are heard at all levels of Government.
We are seeking expressions of interest, with a view to appointment to the Audit, Assurance & Finance Sub-Committee with backgrounds in finance, treasury management, audit or risk management.
This inspiring event symbolizes hope, as communities come together to support mental health and prevent suicide. Join us on Saturday 10th May for the most important sunrise of the year and help raise much needed funds to support suicide and self-harm prevention in Ireland.
We are looking for mature, caring and like-minded individuals or couples of any age (21 to post retirement) with plenty of energy, creativity and a love of quiet rural life.
The Changemakers Academy is STAND’S most extensive and in-depth programme, designed for university students passionate about global issues and social justice activism. The event is a celebration of the 2024-2025 STAND Changemakers and our widening community of activists.
Applications Open for Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9). Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in association with Irish Hospice Foundation offer a Professional Certificate in Children and Loss (Level 9). It seeks to equip practitioners with the practical skills to understand and support children on their grief journey.
Volunteers would be working as part of a team alongside Barnardos Project Workers, Family Support Workers & Community Employment Participants in St Mary’s National School in Limerick city.
This unique training will bring together 18 youth workers from across Europe to share experiences, address challenges faced by rural and urban communities, and explore how theatre can foster community engagement, creativity, and positive change.
Are you part of the community and voluntary sector looking to enhance your marketing planning skills? Join marketing expert Lydia McClelland for a 4 x half-day online training course (commencing Thursday 8 May) and become a SOSTAC® Certified Planner.
You will work alongside the chairperson and other members of the Board to ensure Gerri’s Place maintains effective administration and compliance with relevant regulations and codes.
We are looking for volunteers aged 18 and over across the Mayo area who are interested in making a difference in a young person’s life. The initial commitment requested is for one year.
Can you help others who have also been bereaved by suicide? There are opportunities to join our team of volunteers as either a HUGG Champion or a HUGG Support Group Facilitator.
We will hold a LIVE Volunteering Information Session over Zoom on Thursday 27th February at 11am – 11.30am. Our information sessions provide a brief background on HUGG, and details on everything involved in volunteering.
Join Independent ILMI for a powerful series of discussions led by disabled people, for disabled people. No jargon, no fluff, just practical, honest conversations about what matters. These conversations are about disabled people supporting each other, taking action, and making real change happen.
The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal is now open for its fifth year of grant making to improve the lives of children and their families by funding essential support, health, wellbeing, play, and creativity initiatives. Charities and organisations in every county invited to apply.
If you believe you have the appropriate experience and skills, this is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of this professional registration and quality assurance scheme for ISL interpreters.
We are accepting applications and support innovative non-profit organisations working to expand access to quality healthcare, particularly for underserved communities.
On Thursday, 6 March 2025 we will have an online event speaking with two fabulous speakers on Leadership and Paying it Forward. Many leaders have mentors that have supported their journeys, or people they look up to, but what role do leaders have for people coming behind them? We don’t know, but we found some people who do!
We are now taking applications for our popular Welfare to Work online training programme. Welfare to Work is held over four half-days, designed to provide relevant information to those working in direct contact with unemployed people returning to the workplace.
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