This is the Activelink Community Exchange noticeboard.
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The Focus Ireland Podcast hosted by Clare McKenna explores the complexities involved across the homelessness landscape. In each episode, Broadcaster and Podcaster Clare McKenna, along with an array of guests, delves into the nuances of homelessness, the areas we don’t normally have time to discuss in the media and elsewhere.
The NDA is seeking an expert by experience to review applications for three externally funded research proposals in 2025. To ensure that the research we fund is relevant to disabled people and includes elements of collaborative research the NDA requires an independent expert by experience to assist us in the evaluation of funding applications.
TechStorm Consulting Ltd, headquartered in Dublin, is proud to support nonprofit and charity organisations across Ireland and the UK with creative, responsive, and affordable website solutions. We now offer a Free 1-Day Website Health Check to help organisations assess and improve their online presence, usability, and performance.
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is collaborating with FASD Ireland to research wellbeing in those with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
The NDA is inviting proposals for two health related Literature Reviews from organisations, institutions and individuals who have a strong track record in research. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for one or both reviews to be delivered by October 2025.
Support Daffodil Day with these special offers: Half-price acupuncture treatments exclusively for individuals affected by cancer. For all other appointments, 50% of the fee will be donated directly to the Irish Cancer Society.
HUGG is the national suicide bereavement charity dedicated to supporting adults bereaved by suicide. We provide FREE practical information and emotional support after a suicide occurs. Please see attached a press release announcing the launch of a NEW dedicated suicide bereavement support group in Kilkenny.
Dublin Outreach is an assertive street outreach service provided by Dublin Simon Community in partnership with the Dublin Region Homeless Executive. This service engages with adults who are rough sleeping, supports them into short term homeless accommodation, and makes appropriate referrals to permanent housing options especially Housing First
It can be hard to talk about what is happening to you if you are being abused, but the Women’s Aid National Freephone Helpline is here to help, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. National Freephone Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Age Action’s Care and Repair does small DIY jobs, free of charge, for older people to help them maintain their homes and their independence. Operating in Cork, Dublin and Galway, Care and Repair does jobs that might be more difficult to complete as we get older but not big enough to call in a tradesperson.
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) is the statutory body with responsibility for the national blood supply. The IBTS also provides testing and tissue services to hospitals and is responsible for the Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry. The IBTS is committed to the highest standard of service delivery to our donors.
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