How to submit your advert

Everything you need to know, including a handy checklist.  

Submitting your advert

Adverts should be submitted by email to

Please send the text of your advert, as it should be displayed, either in the body of your email or as an attached Word or Open Document Format file.

If applicable include:

  • Any documents that you wish to have attached to your advert (as downloadable files). See the advert preparation checklist below. 
  • If a payment will be required for your advert then please let us know the applicable rate for your organisation (€180/€90).
    • If you are placing an advert for a different organisation, or another organisation will pay for your advert, then please let us know this from the outset.
  • If you require a Purchase Order number, then please submit the PO number with your advert. 

By submitting an advert, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Submission deadline

If you want your advert to be included in the next weekly email bulletins (delivered at weekends) the closing date for submission is Thursday at 1pm. Material submitted after the deadline may not be addressed until Friday afternoon or Monday morning.

What happens after you submit your advert?

1. You will normally receive a response within one working day of your submission. 

2. You will be provided with a link, and will be asked to check your live advert or provide further information. If your advert is live then please check it as soon as you can. 

3. If your advert is chargeable then you will receive an invoice by email (from Hyperlink Ltd) within two to three days. We allow 30 days from the invoice date for payment. Payment can be made by card via Stripe or PayPal. EFTs and cheques are also accepted. 

Checklist for preparing your advert

When preparing an advert for Activelink, please check the following items, as appropriate. Have you included:

  • Background Information

    Some information about your organisation
  • Closing Date 

    The closing date for applications
  • Contact Details

    Contact details for applicants: telephone number, email and/or postal address.
  • Salary Scale

    We recommend that you include a salary scale.
  • Dates, venues and booking information

    Include the dates and venue of events, training courses or seminars, and information on how to book.
  • Downloads

    You can include additional documents that can be made available as downloads from your advert, such as flyers, forms or job specifications. If doing so, please check that no document is larger than 2MB and that their total size is not larger than 4MB.

We cannot publish Garda Vetting Forms on this site; you should provide them directly to your applicants.



We normally provide invoices by email.  Our email invoices are issued by and include a link permitting you to pay by card online.

Printed invoices

If you require a printed invoice then please let us know. Receipts are also available on request. You can call us during office hours to request copies of invoices. 

Statements for outstanding payments

Statements for outstanding payments quoting the relevant invoices are sent once a month by regular mail. 



Our bank details are on the invoice or can be requested by email We ask that you please mention your invoice numbers in the payment narrative, otherwise it can be difficult for us to allocate your payment.

By card

Card payment can be made by card via Stripe or PayPal.

By cheque

Activelink is a service run by Hyperlink Ltd T/A Activelink, so cheques can now be made payable to either Hyperlink Ltd or Activelink and posted to: Activelink, 32 Sandyford Office Park, Blackthorn Avenue, Sandyford, Dublin, D18 XP22.

Please indicate your invoice number(s) if paying by cheque – just write them on the back of the cheque if you wish.

Tax clearance

Our tax clearance status can be accessed through ROS or My Account using the following information (account necessary) or by contacting the Revenue directly:

Name: Hyperlink Limited

PPSN/Tax reference number: 6323373T

Access number: 146444

For further information about verification of tax clearance status visit the Revenue website.