Dóchas: Strategic Consultant(s) for Worldview Public Engagement Research Project

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Strategic Consultant(s) for Worldview Public Engagement Research Project

Dóchas wishes to contract strategic consultant(s) with specific experience and expertise in researching public perceptions of international development and ODA, to advise the Worldview public engagement research project and formulate, analyse, and report on the agile 'Part B' questions of the research. The consultant(s) will work with the project manager and in collaboration with stakeholders to identify, develop, and analyse topics for the dynamic ‘Part B’ of the research, and act as a ‘critical friend’ to the project over the several years.

Specific outputs: 

  • Research Topic Guidance: Along with our members, assist us in using the existing research findings and current cultural and political trends to decide the Part B topic for this year.
  • Research Question Design & Analysis: Develop the ‘Part B’ survey questions including how they are formulated, and analyse the results to create a deck/report on the results and insights that can be ascertained. Analysis will be aligned to the Worldview segmentation groups to understand whether segments are better drivers or individual factors and whether drivers vary for each segment.
  • Results Presentation to Dóchas Members: Present the research findings to Dóchas members at the end of the research cycle at an in-person launch event.
  • Ongoing Feedback: Act as our “critical friend”, coming in at two/three key phases of the project ensuring we are on the right track and not heading towards any pitfalls.

Dóchas is seeking quotes from strategic consultants for this work. The full consultancy outline is available here: https://www.dochas.ie/whats-new/call-for-tender-worldview-market-research/

To apply:

Please send your quotation for the work outlined here and a proposed breakdown of the work into days sent via email to Niall@dochas.ie. All taxes including VAT, PAYE, PRSI or USC in respect of this consultancy need to be included in the quotation. The deadline for quotations is 6pm (Irish time), Sunday 30 March 2025. You can request the supplementary segmentation process outline document from  for your own understanding.

Payment for the days worked will be made on the production of an invoice when work is completed to the satisfaction of Dóchas. The consultant(s) can work remotely with in-person attendance expected for the launch events each year. The consultant(s) will be expected to communicate regularly on progress with Dóchas and inform Dóchas of any potential delays or schedule changes. Confidentiality relating to Dóchas data and processes not in the public domain will be respected by the consultant.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide