Disability Federation of Ireland: Invitation to Tender


Invitation to Tender for Development of Strategic Plan 2026-2028


Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is seeking an expert consultant to undertake the development of the organisation’s next three-year Strategic Plan 2026-2028. 

DFI’s current Strategic Plan runs from 2022 - 2025. One-year Operational Plans are being used to implement this Strategic Plan. Progress reports on the Operational Plans are produced every four months.

The successful candidate will be charged with the development of a Strategic Plan that builds on the experience of implementing the current Strategic Plan, the organisations Memorandum and Articles of Association and the DFI Advocacy Plan 2024 -2026.

The objectives are to work with DFI to:

  • Develop a new Strategic Plan
  • Consult with all stakeholders including staff, board members, member organisations and key external stakeholders
  • Identify a clear direction to enable DFI to progress work on its mission•
  • Identify specific and measurable objectives for DFI to deliver during the period of the Strategic Plan.

This invitation to tender is influenced by the following context:

  • Changes in the disability, community and voluntary advocacy landscape
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UN-CRPD) and its implementation; specifically, its effects on people with disabilities, on disability organisations and on DFI itself
  • The New Programme for Government
  • Imminent publication of the National Disability Strategy
  • Finance, Governance, Recruitment and Retention pressures on Member Organisations
  • DFI Advocacy Plan 2024 - 2026.

Please see full Tender Document attached below

Submission Deadline

The deadline for receipt of submissions to this call for tenders is 5pm on Friday 28 March 2025. Tenders which are delivered late will not be considered.

Proposals should be emailed to: martinaschwab@disability-federation.ie using the subject ‘DFI Invitation to Tender’. Shortlisted candidates may be called for interview.

Attachment Size
Tender Document 97.16 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide