Roscommon LEADER Partnership: Community Link Worker

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Invites applications for the full-time post of

Community Link Worker

Roscommon LEADER Partnership is an organisation that brings together key development projects including rural enterprise, development and social inclusion that work for the betterment of the people of Co. Roscommon.

The Community Connection Project (CCP) will use a community development and inclusion approach to address concerns of communities and assist them in developing constructive responses to numbers of International Protection Applicants in the geographic area of County Roscommon and Longford.

The Community Link Worker will engage with the local community in the geographic are of County Roscommon and Longford over an 18-month period,helping build community resilience against misinformation and prejudice by working with the local community before, during and after the arrival of International Protection Applicants (IPAs) and where IPAs Centres are already in use. The Community Link Worker will work with communities, in accordance with community development practice, to understand the facts and realities of the International Protection System and the challenges faced by people seeking asylum, in the context of communities with their own needs and challenges.

Role overview:

The focus of the work at a local level will be to directly engage with local communities to understand and tackle challenges and concerns in the context of migrant integration locally. Distinct from other roles operating in this space, the Community Link Workers will engage with residents already living in the local community as their primary focus, rather than providing services and supports directly to IP Applicants.

The Community Link Worker will do this by utilising a community development approach to strengthening the capacity of the community to work together and with key voluntary and statutory organisations and structures, with a focus on establishing facts, counteracting misinformation, and engagement on community concerns and working to develop inclusive responses to migrant integration.

The Community Link Worker will identify specific small geographic areas in the geographic are of County Roscommon and Longford that require supports, and work to engage with residents in the area to provide intensive supports.

At national level, led by the CCP Coordinator situated in the ILDN and overseen by the Department, the aim of the programme will be to collate the multitude of approaches, challenges and other relevant information provided by workers across the country. This data will then be used to inform policy decisions, provide an evidence base for any potential expansions of the programme in future and to develop tool-kits and best practice models on positive community-led approaches to integration challenges that may be rolled out and adapted for use.

It is expected the Community Link Workers under the CCP will liaise with the Community Engagement Team of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), along with other key stakeholders, including the Local Authority Integration Teams (LAITS) on work ongoing in their respective localities when relevant.

Engagement with the Community Integration Forum should also feature in the workload of the Community Link Worker. It is important that the various parties are engaging collaboratively at a local level when possible, to ensure consistency for communities as well as the best use of resources.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Operate to community development principles in supporting their community.
  • To collaborate with other Community Link Workers and the CCP Co-Ordinator within the Irish Local Development Network in the researching, developing and expanding of good practice, and engage with the Co-Ordinator where appropriate on evolving situations, persistent barriers to implementation that may require Departmental input.
  • Engage regularly with all relevant local voluntary and statutory organisations, as well as with relevant community development and inclusion services such as SICAP, Empowering Communities Programme etc.
  • Engage when required with the CCP Co-Ordinator and/or the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth’s (DCEDIY) Community Engagement Team to ensure work is complementing national Community Engagement efforts.
  • Engage when required with the Integration Forum and the Local Authority Integration Teams (LAITs) active in the locality to identify barriers to integration, knowledge gaps, service provision gaps etc.
  • To liaise with Longford Community Resources regarding activities in County Longford and ensure they are regularly informed about ongoing work and developments in the area.
  • Ensure all publications and promotional material reference the DRCD.
  • Maintain regular communication channels with the local community with a view to counteracting misinformation on immigration. This may include any information passed to the Local Development Companies from Government Departments in the context of the location of centres for International Protection Applicants. It is recognised that the Link Workers will not be the primary conduit of this information, however it is important that Link Workers are informed on any developments that may have an impact on their work and workers are in a position to pass this information (if available) onwards to the community.
  • Facilitate a collaborative approach and develop a coordinated response with the community and other stakeholders in developing a clear annual plan including –
  • mapping out needs and services of the targeted area with associated resources
  • to put required supports and structures in place to address any weaknesses and strengthen the capacity of the local community to engage meaningfully with migrant integration efforts.
  • To provide progress reports and briefings on developments to the Department. Community Link Workers are also encouraged to share general project activity updates submitted to the Department with the Coordinator in ILDN, with a view to informing ongoing work and research.

Essential Requirements criteria:

  • A minimum of a nationally recognised third level qualification in relevant field.
  • At least 3 years’ experience of engaging with disadvantaged at a community/local level.
  • Experience of delivering community development approaches, local needs analysis, planning and addressing social exclusion issues.
  • Experience of communicating complex and frequently developing information in a succinct, easy to understand form.
  • Strong communication and organisational skills, capable of liaising with a wide variety of stakeholders and conveying detailed information to relevant parties in a timely manner.
  • Experience of mediating disputes, working with all parties to develop a mutually agreeable approach to resolving conflict.
  • Understanding and experience of working with statutory and local /community development infrastructure and knowledge of the national/local policy context that they work in.
  • Experience in project management and delivering projects with a defined timeline and work plan.
  • Experience of designing and delivery of capacity building supports within the community sector.
  • Be able to demonstrate leadership skills.
  • Have excellent communication, facilitation and report writing skills.
  • Proficient in MS packages e.g., Word, Excel, Outlook, programme databases, SharePoint portals.
  • Car owner with a full clean driving license.

This is a full-time position; the salary will be commensurate with experience within the context funding provision. The position will have a split base between Roscommon Town and Longford Town. Travel expenses will be paid where appropriate. The contract is fixed term and is subject to funding provision.

To apply for the position, please submit your CV and letter of application to: clearly stating which position you are applying for.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 1 pm, Friday 4th April 2025

Short listing will apply. A panel may be formed from which future temporary and permanent vacancies may be filled. Satisfactory references and Garda vetting will be required.

Roscommon LEADER Partnership is an Equal Opportunities Employer

The funding for this position is provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development. The role, employed by Roscommon LEADER Partnership, will involve liaising with Longford Community Resources regarding activities in County Longford.

Funders logos

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Roscommon Town & Longford Town