Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service: Human Resources Officer (Part Time)
Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service is the largest front line Traveller specific service in Ireland. We are an organisation of Traveller and non-Traveller people working together to provide services to Traveller families, and Traveller young people and children and Traveller men and women, many of whom are in crisis. We pride ourselves in working with some of the most marginalised members of the Traveller community.
We are a multi-disciplinary service provider offering Family Support and Crisis Intervention Services, Children and Young Peoples’ Services, Addiction Services, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Services and Education and Training Services to members of the Traveller community in the Dublin area. We also deliver various national services through training, provision of expertise and partnerships with other organisations providing services to Travellers in Ireland.
Exchange House Ireland now wishes to recruit an
Human Resources Officer
Part-time; Permanent Contract
Outline of the position
The Human Resource Officer is responsible for the human resource function in Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service, including service provision across core people practices and related administration.
Please see full Job Description attached below.
How to apply
If you feel you are a good fit for Exchange House Ireland and would enjoy working with us, please send your application to with the subject line ‘Human Resources Officer Application’.
- Your application must include a cover letter and up-to-date CV combined and sent in one document
- Please keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page. In your cover letter, include:
- Why you feel you are a good fit for this role with Exchange House Ireland; and
- Details of your relevant experience.
More information is available by visiting Exchange House Ireland’s Careers page or by calling the Personnel Department on 01 872 1094
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm, Friday 11th April 2025.
This position is supported with funding from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, the City of Dublin Education and Training Board, through the City of Dublin Youth Services’ UBU Fund