Youth Work Ireland: Request for Quotes

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Training and Development for Youth Work Managers and Team Leaders in Youth Work Ireland

Request for Quotes (RFQ):

In-line with Youth Work Ireland Finance Policy (2023 v25), External Expertise Contracts require evidence of a selection process. The selection process for this RFQ will be based on the following criteria as per the scoring matrix.

Scoring and Selection

  • 30% to vfm / cost,
  • 30% to Skills, resources and past experience (based on written samples of previous work
  • 10% to Methodology/ Approach /
  • 30% to Understanding of Requirements;

Quote Format:

Prior to the 18th of April, Please provide

  1. An indication of which of the three quote(s) you are responding to
  2. A basic breakdown of costs (daily rate, number of days for prep, delivery follow up) and
  3. Proposed methodology and approach – brief description of training/support to be provided
  4. Curriculum Vitae – Demonstrating evidence of skills and past experience
  5. Other evidence of previous experience – brochures, plans, or other documentation illustrating previous delivery.

Collectively, these should demonstrate an understanding of the requirements.

Quote should be on headed paper along with the date of the quote.

Required RFQs:

Quotes are now required from suitably experienced contractors provide the following

RFQ 1. Supervision Training

Quote required for provision of 2x one day trainings to team leaders and supervisors in Youth Work Settings.
Day one will take place April 30th 2025with between 15 and 20 managers from Youth Work Ireland Services, Day 2 will take place in Oct 2025 -day TBC

The training should address:

  • Developing understanding of Supervision approaches including coaching in supervision in youth work settings
  • Learning how to implement a more developmental/competence-based approach in supervision in youth work settings
  • Become more comfortable using creative methodologies in Supervision in youth work settings
  • Learn how to implement a peer approach to supervision in your organization in youth work settings

RFQ Quote 2 Basic HR Practice in Youth Work Settings

This training will support managers and team leaders who currently have responsibility for the support, supervision, leadership, recruitment and management of youth work service delivery teams in integrated youth services. The training will be designed to support youth work managers and team leaders to adhere to best practice in Human Resources while addressing the common needs and issues of team leads/supervisors, including

  • Interviewing
  • Induction
  • Performance management (in- line with principles to be provided through supervision training above
  • Conflicts

Quote 3 - Skills in Youth Work Facilitation

This Two Days (each day is a stand alone training) will provide
Day One Introductory/Intermediate Facilitation Skills and knowledge and
Day 2 Advanced Skills and Knowledge
Both workshops will support youth work practitioners to reflect on and build their participatory facilitation skills in youth work settings.

Response to:

Matthew Seebach
Prior to 5:00 pm on the 18/04/25

Background information for this RFQ:

The current RFQ will address training and development needs identified by the Youth Work Ireland Managers’ Community of Practice and the Youth Work Ireland CEOS network. The areas of training represent ongoing developmental needs for new and established managers and are intended to provide a consolidated programme of support for managers and team leaders.

About Youth Work Ireland

Youth Work Ireland is the largest youth organisation in Ireland. We are made up of 20 Local Member Youth Services and a national office. We support our members to deliver an Integrated Youth Services Model to young people in their communities. This means that young people around Ireland can avail of a whole range of services and supports if and when they need them.

We actively engage with over 76,000 young people every week. Over the years we have developed highly innovative services, supports and programmes for young people between the ages of 10-25 years, including mental health supports, resilience building, anxiety programmes, drug and alcohol supports, LGBT+ youth work, club development, employability programmes, counselling services, rural outreach and fun safe spaces for young people to gather.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide