Respond Housing Association: Tender Request
Invitation to submit a tender to undertake research on older people’s housing and service needs that will help inform our Strategic Plan.
Respond, a construction-led Approved Housing Body and service provider, has been working all around Ireland for over 40 years. Our vision is that every family and individual in Ireland will have high‐quality housing as part of a vibrant and caring community. Housing and decent accommodation, in the areas where people want to live, are central to improving people’s lives and enhancing the health and well‐being of society.
Respond wishes to contract a consultant, researcher or organisation to undertake research on older people’s housing and service needs. The research will include an examination of current and future needs in Ireland as the population ages and identify international best practice that will help inform our Strategic Plan.
As a learning organisation, we are keen to develop and deliver services that are evidence informed. The research will include an examination of current and future needs in Ireland as the population ages and identify international best practice.
Key Deliverables to include:
- A literature review of national and international best practice.
- Analysis of current and future housing needs of older people in Ireland.
- Analysis of the current and future housing and service needs of Respond’s current tenants and service users as they age.
- Conclusions and proposals for future development.
- A strategy/framework for Respond on meeting the current and future housing and service needs of older people. This will address short (1-2 yrs), medium (3-4 yrs) and long-term (5 years +) aims and objectives with identified milestones to track progress.
Closing Date
The deadline for receiving submissions is by 1pm, 8th May 2025.
The indicative budget is €50,000 exclusive of VAT.
Format of Tenders
Full details of the requirements of the tender and the process for submitting proposals are contained in the tender document that can be found at the link below.
If you would like any further information, please contact Reyhana Cushnan, Strategy and Policy Lead, by email to: