Cork Children and Young People’s Services Committees / Barnardos: Request for Tender

Children and Young People’s Services Committees , Tusla & Barnardos logo

Request for a Tender to Develop a Mapping Resource of Domestic Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) Services in Cork City and County

Applications for Tenders must be returned by 4pm Friday 7th March to


Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are key county level interagency structures identified by Government to plan and coordinate services for children, young people and families in every county in Ireland. The overall purpose of CYPSC is to improve outcomes for children and young people (0-24) through effective, interagency and partnership working at local, regional and national level.

At local level CYPSCs bring together all statutory, community and voluntary agencies which provide services and supports for children, young people and families. The Children and Young People’s Services Committees provide a forum for joint planning and coordination of activities and initiatives in order to ensure children, young people and families receive optimum services. The role of CYPSCs is to enhance interagency cooperation and to realise the 5 national outcomes as set out in Young Ireland: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People.

Cork CYPSC ‘Safe and Protected’ subgroup was initially set up to focus on highlighting the services, needs and gaps in relation to sexual violence support services, however with the development of the CYPSC Children and Young People’s Plan 2024 – 2026 the sub group widened its remit to focus on Domestic, Sexual & Gender Based Violence services and those providing wider supports to keeping children, young people and families safe and protected.

Tender Request: 

Cork CYPSC in partnership with Barnardos and other key stakeholders under the CYPSC ‘Safe and protected’ subgroup invite tenders to develop a Mapping of DSGBV services in Cork City and County.

The subgroup have identified the need for a resource to ensure those requiring DSGBV supports and also professionals working in the area, are aware of the different services available and referral pathways for accessing services.

Project Outputs: 

The tenderer is required to undertake the following tasks:

  1. To liaise with the CYPSC ‘Safe and protected’ subgroup to facilitate the development of an accessible Mapping resource of DSGBV services in Cork City and County.
  2. Develop a Mapping Resource, which informs both professionals and those requiring DSGBV supports of services and referral pathways.
  3. Present the Resource at a Launch Event in the Autumn of 2025
  4. Provide regular progress updates to the project steering group.

Tender requirements: 

Tender proposals should include the following:

  • A demonstrated understanding and track record in the project area
  • A demonstrated understanding and awareness of the requirements of the project
  • An outline of skills, qualifications and experience in the area
  • A work plan identifying the approaches and methodologies to be used in conducting the project. Any creative ideas for producing an accessible resource will be very welcome.
  • Demonstration of the arrangements for effective communication with designated personnel so as to ensure that the objectives of the project are being achieved, that the project does not overrun on time or cost and that any other problems that arise can be resolved.
  • Costs
    • Set out any issues which may impact on the cost
    • All costs must be inclusive of VAT and expenses
    • Demonstrate value for money
    • Breakdown of costs showing the number of days required to complete the task, the number of days each person, if there is more than one person involved, will be employed on the task, the cost per day.
    • the fee quoted should include travel and subsistence costs
  • A list of recent clients who may be contacted for references in relation to this tender.
  • Confirmation of ability to meet the timeframe of the project.


The launch event for the resource will be held in the Autumn of 2025 (date TBC)


A maximum of €10,000.00 (inclusive of vat) has been allocated to this project. Tenders which exceed this will not be considered.

Taxation Requirements: 

It will be a condition of any contract pursuant to this tender process that the successful tenderer will for the term of such contract, comply with all applicable EU and Irish tax laws. Prior to the award of any contract arising, the successful tenderer is required to provide its Tax Clearance Access Number and Tax Reference Number.

Please submit your tender by 4pm on Friday 7th March Application after the tender deadline will not be considered.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Cork