Ballymun Regional Youth Resource: Invitation to Tender

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Tender for the Provision of External Financial Audit Services Ballymun Regional Youth Resource CLG, 2024 – 2026 (inclusive)

Introduction and Overview of the Organisation

The Ballymun Regional Youth Resource CLG (BRYR) is a registered charity and community-based youth work organisation working for the welfare, development and well-being of 10-24-year olds in Ballymun and the surrounding areas. Our mission is to empower young people to reach their full potential, by putting in place a range of resources that will support them to make a happy, healthy and successful transition to adulthood, promoting health, well-being and resilience at all stages of their development.

Ballymun Regional Youth Resource was legally incorporated in 1990. The Company is Limited by Guarantee (CLG) and governed by a Board of ten Directors (Trustees). BRYR employs 28 core staff and has an annual income of circa €1.5m. The principal funders are Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth(DCEDIY), City of Dublin Youth Services, HSE and Dublin City Council. We also have once off grant aid and donations from various sources.

Our most recent audited accounts (2023) was carried out in accordance with the Companies Act 2014, accounting standards issued by the Financial Reporting Council including FRS 102 and comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). Ballymun Regional Youth Resource now wishes to engage external audit services for a period of three years which will apply to the audit of the financial statements for 2024, 2025 and 2026.

Scope of Services Required

External audit services will include, but will not be limited to:

  1. Annual external audit of the Director’s (Trustees) report and the financial statements of Ballymun Regional Youth Resource CLG in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and accounting standards issued by the Financial Reporting Council and promulgated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland including FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland as modified by the Statement of Recommended Practice “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” effective 1st January 2015.
  2. Report on external audit progress to the Board of the Ballymun Regional Youth Resource CLG, including attendance, at relevant meetings, if required.
  3. Provision of an assessment as to whether the charity’s financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with FRS 102.
  4. Preparation and filing of the annual return B1 and CT1 with the Companies Registration Office.

BRYR’s role

Ballymun Regional Youth Resource will provide the following:

  1. Back up documentation supporting the underlying financial transactions.
  2. Reconciliations and lead schedules for key balances under the respective headings.
  3. Detailed monthly management accounts.
  4. Any other information as required by the auditors.


The organisation has a 31st December year end. In the first year, the audit should be complete by mid-April; the accounts will be formally approved by the Board at the May Board Meeting. In the second and third year, draft accounts will generally be required in March.

Reporting Mechanisms and Structures

The audit process will be overseen by Youth Services Manager. However, day to day contact for the process will be through the Financial Administrator.

Tender Process

Each firm will be required to submit a written proposal setting out your capabilities as well as your proposed fee by 5pm on Friday 14th February 2025. Tenders will be reviewed by the FSC and Board of the Ballymun Regional Youth Resource. A decision will be made w/c 24th February and will be communicated to all tenderers. BRYR does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced or any Tender.

Proposal requirements and criteria on which a decision will be made:

  • Summary of potential benefits to the charity in selecting your firm
  • Information regarding relevant sector experience and experience of comparable clients, (to include a list of clients that Company and Audit Manager have worked on during the last three years and duration of relationship(s))
  • Names of key management personnel that will be assigned to the engagement and their relevant experience. Information on how involved the partner will be on the engagement
  • Explanation of the approach to the planning and delivery of the audit service.
  • Approach to liaison with Board of Directors, Youth Services Manager etc.
  • Competitive fee quote for the work required. Any expected related outlay should be itemised in the quote.
  • The basis on which the fees will be determined in future years.
  • General overview of the schedule and timing of billings.


  1. Firms may be contacted by telephone by the Chairperson for information or clarification on tenders submitted.
  2. Please provide details of clients that we may contact for references.
  3. Proposals should be sent to Geraldine Comerford, YSM, Ballymun Regional Youth Resource, by email to Please mark the email ‘Tender for External Audit’.
  4. The deadline for receipt of tenders is Friday 5pm on Friday 21st February 2025.
  5. For further information, contact Geraldine via email or phone on 01 8667600, 085-8716664


By accepting this invitation to take part in the tender process, you agree to keep in confidence all information provided to you, whether written or oral, in relation to the tender process and/or in relation to the charity’s business generally which is not already in the public domain, to use it only for the purposes of this tender and for no other reason and not to disclose any of the said information to any third party. You will bear any costs and expenses incurred by you in relation to this tender and the said information shall be kept confidential unless it lawfully becomes public knowledge.

BRYR will not be liable in respect of any costs incurred in the preparation or presentation of tenders.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin