Museum of Childhood Ireland: Request for Tender

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Request for Tender for Museum of Childhood Ireland (MoCI): 
Curate events and develop Museum profile


MoCI aims to deliver a world-class facility exploring the history, culture and rights of children and childhood on the island of Ireland. MoCI has existed online and in popup format since 2018. Its principal objective is the establishment of a physical Museum which will collect, curate, exhibit, research and explore artefacts / stories relating to children and childhood on the island of Ireland from the earliest times to the present day. Key aims are:

  1. Tell the story of the lives of children growing up in Ireland, using permanent and temporary collections of historic artefacts related to childhood in Ireland and the wider world.
  2. Foster innovation, creativity and imagination in children and adults of all ages.
  3. Ensure that children and young people have a platform to articulate their voice.
  4. Provide family learning experiences through interactive and interdisciplinary engagement.
  5. Offer research opportunities and extensive outreach programmes.
  6. Contribute to local, regional, and national, cultural and tourism economy in a significant and distinctive way.

Since 2018, MoCI has delivered hundreds of initiatives across Ireland, reaching thousands of children and families. The Museum also runs a series of annual events, to coincide with national events such as Cruinniú na nÓg, Heritage Week, Culture Night and Bloomsday. We also have extensive collections of children’s toys, books, artwork, furniture and clothing, all carefully catalogued and some of which occasionally features in popup displays.

MoCI is at a critical juncture, and our aim is to transition from a virtual to a physical presence. We have recently received funding from Ireland Funds which will support that aim, and are seeking proposals from suitably qualified or experienced practitioners to lead the next phase of work. This tender covers the time costs for the individual or group. Separate funds (up to the value of €25k) are available to cover the delivery of proposals.

Purpose and expected deliverables

The overarching aim of the tendered work is to plan and implement activities that will raise MoCI’s profile, attract funding and help us to realise our ultimate goal of establishing a physical museum. We aim to do so by running one or more very high-profile events. Ireland Funds for this tender will cover the costs of personnel.

A separate funding stream as mentioned above will cover materials and delivery costs. We expect the successful tenderer to complete the following tasks:

  1. Brief review of MoCI activities to date.
  2. Liaise with Board and Team members to gain understanding of MoCI’s aims.
  3. A short written interim report and presentation to the Board, summarizing the “as-is” situation and identifying some potential activities/events that could raise MoCI’s profile and position the Museum to transition from a solely online to an online and physical presence.
  4. With Board agreement, plan and run the chosen activities or events. MoCI will provide a separate budget for event delivery, subject to usual financial constraints.
  5. Develop a legacy plan, to ensure that the benefits of the events have a lasting effect.
  6. A final report containing a summary of actions completed, an evaluation of their relative efficacy, and setting out recommendations that can bring MoCI closer to our goals.

Please see Request for Tender document attached below.

Submission guidelines

Submissions from individuals and groups are welcome. If a group submission, for each member please indicate their role(s) and relevant qualifications or experience and name a lead person who shall be fully responsible for providing the services required. Submissions to be made by 8th November 2024 by email to

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide