HSE Social Inclusion Office, Community Healthcare Organisation Midlands Louth Meath: Request to Tender

Request to Tender
To host and manage a Primary Health Care for Traveller Project in Co Longford (three year period)

Health Service Executive Social Inclusion Office, Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) Midlands Louth Meath (MLM) invites submissions from suitably qualified and experienced Traveller Organisations, to take on the role of host of an existing Primary Healthcare for Traveller Project (PHCTP), based in Longford town and providing supports for Travellers, throughout Co Longford.

Please see full tender document attached below.

Submissions should be submitted by e-mail to: midlands.thu@hse.ie

Closing date for receipt of submissions: Tuesday 30 July 2024, at 5pm. No applications received after this time will be considered.

Enquiries to: Jimmy Todd, Midlands Louth Meath Community Health Organisation

Email: jimmy.todd@hse.ie Phone: 086 8062387

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Co Longford