Kildare Public Participation Network: Calls for a third party to host Kildare PPN

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Request for Tender for a third party to host the Kildare Public Participation Network


The focus of Kildare Public Participation Network (PPN) is to assist groups participate more in local authority decision making. There are approximately 700 member organisations in the network from three pillars or colleges: Environmental, Social Inclusion and Voluntary and Community.

Kildare PPN has approximately 24 seats across ten committees within Kildare County Council. Kildare PPN is governed by the Plenary (all member groups of Kildare PPN) who direct the operation of the PPN, setting overall PPN policy and processes. The Secretariat is a voluntary group of PPN members who are elected to ensure that the decisions taken by the Plenary are carried out.

Kildare PPN is funded annually by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Kildare County Council to cover employment and operational costs. Although independent, PPNs are accountable for their use of public funds and community activities.

Our aim is to strengthen the capacity of member groups to contribute positively to the community.

Areas of Activity

  • Communication to strengthen knowledge and inform member groups of topics which may be of interest to them
  • Capacity Building to enhance skills of community groups
  • Participation to ensure that the voice of the community is heard

Examples of Previous Projects

  • Community development initiatives. e.g.: Training programmes
  • Environmental sustainability and educational programmes. e.g.: Climate Action Weekend
  • Social Inclusion initiatives. e.g.: Social Inclusion Week
  • Consultations & Submissions. e.g.: County Kildare Health & Wellbeing Statements


Kildare PPN employ two fulltime permanent members of staff:

  • The Co-ordinator
  • The Support Worker

Further Information

Background to Invitation to Tender

Kildare Public Participation Network (PPN) has been hosted by County Kildare LEADER Partnership since it’s establishment. This agreement will cease at the end of 2024, in line with their strategic aims, presenting us with an opportunity to explore other interested parties. We are seeking a host organisation to provide essential administrative and logistical support to ensure its smooth operation. The selected host will:

  • Act as the employer for PPN staff

This hosting arrangement will not affect the independence of the PPN regarding its budget, workplan, internal decision-making, and day to day management of the PPN.

Please see full tender document attached below.


Please forward any queries to the Kildare PPN Coordinator, Grainne Fleming -

Closing Date

Tenders must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 30th July 2024.

Funders logos

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Co Kildare