Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre: Review of School Aged Childcare Service

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Review of School Aged Childcare Service

Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre invites tenders to support the development and roll out of a strategic plan to ensure that the future operation of the Childcare Service is viable

Tender issue date: 15 July 2024
Tender submission date: 30 July 2024

Invitation to Tender

The Board of Directors of Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre CLG (RICC) invites tenders to support the development and roll out of a strategic plan to ensure the future operation of the School aged Childcare Service is viable.

A key requirement is to provide the Board of Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre with a clear analysis of current strengths and challenges to operating the childcare service, based on current childcare funding programmes and to respond to these through evidenced analysis ensuring the childcare service remains sustainable into the long term.


The Board of Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre wishes to ensure the childcare service is operating to the best childcare model possible, including long-term sustainability based on current childcare funding programmes:

Aims and Objectives

  1. Review the current Governance Structure of Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre School aged Childcare Service against all responsibilities from a legal / regulatory perspective.
  2. Review the current Human Resource / Staffing Structure against all responsibilities of the Board of Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre, including the provision of School aged Childcare Service within the current childcare funding programmes.
  3. Review the financial sustainability against the funding available to Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre School aged Childcare Service, based on current childcare funding programmes.
  4. To draft proposals based on the analysis provided for in objectives 1-3 for Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre Board’s consideration in their action plan to ensure the sustainability of the School aged Childcare Service.


  • To the Review Steering group for Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre.


  • Receipt of Tender submission - close of business 30 July 2024
  • Selection of successful tender - 2nd August 2024
  • Sustainability Review Works – Early August to Mid-September
  • Report Completion and presentation - 20th September 2024

Role /Work Brief:

  • Tenders are invited in order to complete the work outlined in Aims and Objectives 1-4 above.


  • On site familiarisation visit.
  • Desk Review of all relevant information.
  • Consultations with RICC Board and external parties e.g. POBAL / Dublin City Childcare Committee and others as identified/appropriate.
  • Structured presentation of report conclusions to the review steering committee and RICC Board.

Format for Tender submission:

  1. All interested parties to send back their tender submission:
  2. Marked Private & Confidential and sent to
    Address: FAO Chairperson,
    Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre
    Thorncastle St,
    Dublin 4.
  3. Tenders may also be submitted via email to the above named using the following email theoffice@ricc.ie

Tender submissions should contain the following detail:

  1. Outline – Organisation / Name / Position / Professional Background of the candidate that will directly carry out this work.
  2. Detailed proposed programme of work to deliver on Goals 1-5 of the Sustainability Review.
  3. Detailed proposed budget outline to deliver on Goals 1-5 of the Sustainability Review, including cost per day inclusive of VAT and all other expenses.
  4. Detailed background Experience – Early Years & School Age Childcare Sector, including National funding programmes and service sustainability.
  5. Timeline for delivery. Note strong consideration will be given to consultant availability and timeline for completing the work.
  6. Two (summary) samples of similar work undertaken over the past five years.
  7. References from work listed in point 4 above and other references as appropriate.

Evaluation of Tenders

  • Tenders will be evaluated by reference to the following qualification criteria:
    • Completeness of documentation.
    • Stated ability of candidates to meet the requirements set out above.
    • Experience in carrying out analysis, especially in the area of Childcare Service Sustainability.
    • Report/manual writing, synthesis, and analysis
    • Availability to deliver within timeframe.
    • Cost per Day inclusive of VAT
    • Present a valid Tax Compliance Certificate
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 4