Merchants Quay Ireland: Expressions of Interest

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Expressions of Interest for the provision of Independent Evaluation Services
MQI run Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme (TARP) Mountjoy Prison


Merchants Quay Ireland (MQI) is a national voluntary organization that supports people who are in addiction. We provide frontline services, practical supports, pathways towards recovery and innovative responses to the issues of drug use. MQI is funded by the Irish Prison Service (IPS) to provide professional Addiction Counselling services to prisoners who are dealing with addiction related issues while incarcerated.

The Treatment and Recovery Programme (TARP) is a bespoke programme that was developed in 2022 by MQI in partnership with the IPS to support prisoners who had become drug free in prison to continue their recovery and to support them to continue to lead a drug free life both whilst in prison and post release.

Project Requirements

MQI is seeking a suitable, experienced, consultant to conduct an evaluation of the TARP programme and provide key recommendations on how to develop programme to best meet the needs of future participants.

 The Review will include, but not be limited to:

  • A desktop review of similar programmes in other jurisdictions to establish examples of best practice.
  • An evaluation of the current programme. The tender application should provide details of how the consultant would propose to evaluate, based on sound, evidence based methodology
  • Survey of graduates of the TARP Programme
  • Interviews with stakeholders including, but not limited to:
    • Current, previous, and proposed programme participants
    • Prisoners who declined to participate in the programme or dropped out prior to completion
    • MQI staff involved in TARP programme delivery
    • Relevant IPS staff involved in referral to the programme and providing pre and post programme support
    • External agencies involved in delivery of the programme
    • External experts nationally and internationally with expertise in the delivery of therapeutic interventions both within and external to the prison environment
    • People with lived experience of addiction who have been released from custody who attended the programme
    • People in other prisons who are unable to avail of the programme

The successful candidate will provide a written report of no more than 30 pages (excluding executive summary and recommendations) to MQI at the end of the review process outlining findings and recommendations and will also present their findings to senior management in MQI and the IPS

Please see full Expressions of Interest document attached below.

Submission of Tenders

Deadline Date for Receipt of Tender: Friday 5th July 2024 @ 12.00 noon.

Tender should be sent by e-mail to with e-mail clearly headed: Tender Submission for Evaluation of Treatment and Recovery Programme on or before the closing date.

No consideration be given to any Tender received after that time.
Canvassing of any employee of MQI shall not be acceptable and will lead to the disqualification of the Tenderer from the process.

All costs associated with the preparation and submission of tenders to this procurement process will be the responsibility of the Tenderer.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin