Cork and Kerry Children and Young People’s Services Committees: Request for a Tender

Children and Young People’s Services Committees & Tusla logos

Request for a Tender to 
Develop a Cork Kerry Inclusion & Integration Communication Strategy

Applications for Tenders must be returned by 5pm on Friday, July 12th, 2024.


Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are key county level interagency structures identified by Government to plan and coordinate services for children, young people and families in every county in Ireland. The overall purpose of CYPSCs is to improve outcomes for children and young people (0-24) through effective, interagency and partnership working at local, regional and national level.

At local level CYPSCs bring together all statutory, community and voluntary agencies which provide services and supports for children, young people and families. The Children and Young People’s Services Committees provide a forum for joint planning and coordination of activities and initiatives in order to ensure children, young people and families receive optimum services. The role of CYPSCs is to enhance interagency cooperation and to realise the 5 national outcomes as set out in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020.

Tender Request: 

Cork and Kerry CYPSCs in partnership with Cork Migrant Centre and other key stakeholders invite tenders to develop a Cork Kerry Inclusion and Integration Communications Strategy to support positive messaging and positive change across the region. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure all communities regardless of ethnicity feel safe, welcome and included in Cork and Kerry.

Please see tender document attached below.


Cork and Kerry CYPSCs are eager that the tenderer will be ready to start as soon as possible and asks that tenderers specify how soon they can start and complete the work. The project should be completed by September 30th 2024.

Please submit your tender by 5pm July 12th to / Applications after the tender deadline will not be considered.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Cork & Kerry