Cork City Public Participation Network: Invitation to Tender


The Public Participation Network represents and empowers community and voluntary groups, clubs and organisations in Cork City that work in a voluntary, cooperative or not-for-profit basis for the benefit of the community.

Public Participation Networks were set up in 2014 because of The Local Government Reform Act. There is a Public Participation Network in every local authority area. Cork City Public Participation Network has grown to have more than 200 members.

Cork City Public Participation Network is a collective voice for all community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion organisations in Cork City, its purpose is to involve the community in local decision-making in order to support and influence policy that in turn improves people’s quality of life.

The PPN also aims to:

  • Help represent the community
  • Make members stronger
  • Keep members informed

Objective of the Project

The overall objective is to prepare and deliver a:

  • Cork City Public Participation Network Strategic Plan 2025 – 2030 

The Cork City Public Participation Network Strategic Plan will guide the activities of the Public Participation Network over the next six years. This plan should be broken into 5 core areas:

  • Network / Operations (How we operate the Public Participation Network and measure our own effectiveness)
  • Representation (How we organise effective participation)
  • Members (How we support and strengthen the voice our member groups)
  • Messaging (How we communicate effectively and how we establish our message)
  • Wellbeing (How our work contributes to the well-being of communities and members)

These core areas are open to change based on the consultation and research carried out during this project. However, the final core areas must align with government strategy relating to Public Participation Networks, and the ambition of all PPNs to work efficiently and effectively to raise their voice in local decision-making and to effect change.

The final core areas should each have a set of operational actions/objectives for the Public Participation Network to work on and progress over the lifetime of the Strategy. Inter-agency actions/objectives should also be included. The strategy should form a process for measuring outcomes of our work.

Please see Tender Document attached below for more information

Submission of Tender

Enquiries and tenders should be directed to the Coordinator

Contact details: Alannah O'Callaghan - Cork City PPN Coordinator. Email:

Closing Date: July 24th 2024 at 5pm.

Only tenders which contain all the criteria set out in the tender document below can be considered. Cork City Public Participation Network is not bound to accept the tender with the lowest stated price or any tender. Each complete tender will be scored based on the information supplied in accordance with fowling criteria and scoring.

Attachment Size
Tender Document 75.75 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Cork City