Safe Ireland: Domestic Violence Services Manager

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Domestic Violence Services Manager 
(Castlebar, Co Mayo)

Full time (35hrs per week)

In the context of changing Domestic Violence sector infrastructures, Safe Ireland are recruiting an experienced Manager and Team Leader who will deliver a fit-for-purpose 21st Century service to support survivors of coercive control and domestic, sex, gender and sexuality-based violence (DSGSBV). Our DSGSBV Centre in Castlebar, Co Mayo, provides a helpline, 24/7 refuge accommodation, centre-based supports, outreach and community services across the county along with a dedicated children’s service.

About Safe Ireland

Safe Ireland National Social Change Agency works to eradicate Domestic, Sex, Gender and Sexuality-Based Violence (DSGSBV) in Ireland. We recognise that DSGSBV is a widescale social problem that requires a nationally integrated, county/community-based response to ensure safe pathways out of abuse for women & children.

We have four distinct functions:

  1. Understanding domestic, sex, gender and sexuality-based coercion and violence (DSGBV) in order to advance government, commercial and civil society policy, practice and provision responses.
  2. Providing and supporting frontline refuge, support and outreach services to SURVIVORS of DSGBV.
  3. Supporting Safe Ireland Network SERVICES.
  4. Developing DV SECTORAL best practice for community-based DSGSBV responses.

We achieve our work through collaborations with our network of affiliated independent frontline DV services, and with national stakeholders.

There are thirty-seven DV affiliated as members of Safe Ireland. Each deliver local services including helplines, information/advocacy, crisis and move-on accommodation, Garda / Court accompaniment, Welfare advice, and practical/emotional/therapeutic supports for adults, young people and children.

About the role

Job Title: Domestic Violence Services Manager

Location: Castlebar, County Mayo

Job Type: Full Time 35 hrs per week. Contract of Indefinite Duration

Reports To: Services Development & Practice Manager (SDPM)

Salary Scale: HSE Pay scales -Social Care Manager, Point 1: €66,077 per annum.

Number of in/direct line-reports: 15 +

Probationary Period: 6 months


This role requires an exceptional individual who wants to make a difference in the lives of Women & Children. You will have proven experience of motivating staff as well as strong interpersonal and demonstrable management skills. You must also have an excellent knowledge of domestic violence issues and experience of working in gender equality, a domestic violence service or another relevant setting. You will have proven experience in networking and establishing relationships with agencies and key professionals, as well as developing services.

You will provide line-management and support to the service delivery teams which will include supervision on complex case management issues, such as addiction/mental health, child protection/adult safeguarding and the management of operational emergencies to ensure all services are delivered in line with Safe Ireland’s Safe Spaces & Safe Practice frameworks. You will represent the work and ethos of Safe Ireland in a professional and ethical manner at all times in line with the organisation’s strategic goals, vision, mission and values. You will be responsible for ensuring compliance, contractual and other funding requirements are met fully and that Safe Ireland’s high standards are adhered to at all times.


All management and practice will:

  1. Embody Safe Ireland’s values and principles through demonstrating integrity and fairness.
  2. Ensure good governance and best practice professional standards.
  3. Implement Safe Ireland’s strategic objectives within the scope of the annual work plan.
  4. Be responsive to the current, and the anticipated future needs of women and children.
  5. As part of Safe Ireland’s National Team, you will be well-versed on the core strategic focus of creating effective pathways out of Domestic Abuse and Violence and Coercive Control and will lead the service in the implementation of Safe Ireland’s

Please see Job Description & Person Specification attached below.

Apply for the role

Applications via CV and Cover Letter.

Submit to:

Please note closing date is 5pm on Monday 21st of April 2025.
Interviews anticipated for week beginning the 27th of April 2025.

All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.

Safe Ireland is an equal opportunities employer.

Attachment Size
Job Description & Person Specification 50.82 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Castlebar, Co Mayo