Fórsa: Assistant Industrial Officers

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Assistant Industrial Officers

Fórsa is a membership led union: we empower workers to change their lives at work. We build worker power by engaging every worker in the jobs and workplaces that we organise.

We are currently looking for energetic, motivated, and empathetic people with organising and campaigning skills to join our team as Assistant Industrial Officers.

Overview of the Role

As an Assistant Industrial Officer, you build Fórsa’s power and membership density by working with workplace representatives, lay leaders, and members to identify the issues that matter to workers in your assigned area.

You will work under the guidance of the Assistant General Secretary or Industrial Officer for your assigned area. You will also be part of a broader Divisional team comprising other Assistant Industrial Officers, Industrial Officers, Assistant General Secretaries, and Administrators, all led by the National Secretary/Head of Division.

You actively contribute to Fórsa’s positive and healthy workplace culture through supportive collaborative teamworking.

Working for Fórsa

As an employer, Fórsa is committed to modelling the values of our union: we provide excellent benefits including a career average pension scheme, competitive annual leave, hybrid work and other flexible work arrangements, and a range of financial and practical supports for professional development.

The initial salary for this position will be on the first point of the grade 5 public service scale: €51,210 | €52,739 | €54,301 | €55,895 | €57,501; and two Long Service Increments: LSI1 €59,373 | LSI2 €61,252. Entry above the first point is possible in certain circumstances (for example, your current salary is above the starting point).

Fórsa welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds, including diverse professional experience. You may have developed skills in the trade union, public, private, or non-profit sectors. A demonstrated commitment to the values of trade unionism, social justice, a strong public service, and workers’ empowerment is essential.

Fórsa does not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital or family status, age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or membership in the Traveller community.

Fórsa has offices in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo. While most of the Assistant Industrial Officer positions are based in Dublin, there will be a number of appointments arising from this competition, some of which may be based in regional offices.

For more information and to apply, visit https://forsa.bamboohr.com/careers/42?source=aWQ9MjA%3D

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin / Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo