Dóchas: Market Researchers for the Worldview Public Engagement Research Project

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Market Researchers for the Worldview Public Engagement Research Project

Dóchas is seeking tenders from qualified/registered market researchers to conduct the annual Worldview research with a nationally representative sample of the Republic of Ireland age 18+, and continue with the well established Worldview audience segmentation. Worldview’s nationally representative survey results are a key tool for the INGO sector to demonstrate continued support for the provision of overseas development, and the Worldview segments enable the creation of innovative and targeted ways of reaching those most to least engaged in the sector. There are five successive waves of research comprising of around 72-77 questions and Dóchas wishes to maintain and replicate the research going forward for the next 5 years. A detailed outline of the research objectives, components, methodology, segmentation and project timeline for this year can be found here: https://www.dochas.ie/whats-new/call-for-tender-worldview-market-research-2/.

There is a ‘Market researcher supplementary package’ also available which contains:

  • The annual research script, with the questions used in the segmentation indicated.
  • The segmentation explainer
  • The discriminate analysis explainer
  • The technical field report (sampling, weighting, stratification)
  • The Wave 5 Quantitative Findings tables

Worldview wishes to engage researchers on a 3-year contract. The maximum available budget for this project is 45,000 Euro per annum inclusive of VAT or other taxes. This will include the short revision phase (year 1 only), the annual research with a nationally representative sample for an online survey, with the specific number of questions to be decided. Any expenses to be agreed in advance.

The full tender posting can be found here: https://www.dochas.ie/whats-new/call-for-tender-worldview-market-research-2/

To apply:

Applications can be sent via email to Niall@dochas.ie. no later than 6pm (Irish time), Sunday 30 March 2025. Visit the full tender page for details on how to apply.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide