Merchant’s Quay Ireland: Project Worker - CAMDAS
Project Worker (Full Time)
Cavan and Monaghan, Ireland
Job Title: Project Worker, CAMDAS (Cavan and Monaghan Drug and Alcohol Service)
Report to: Service Manager CAMDAS and to the Deputy Head of Operations (Regions) MQI
Objective: To effectively deliver services pertaining to the provision of a community-based drug & alcohol treatment support, family support,harm reduction, rehabilitation and aftercare service for individuals over 18 years and their families in Cavan and Monaghan
Type of Contract: Fixed Term Contract (12 months) and Fixed Term Maternity Leave Contract (6 months)
Location: Cavan and Monaghan
Hours: 39 Hours Per week
Qualifications & Experience
- Have a relevant qualification (minimum QQI Third Level 7 or equivalent) e.g., social care, addiction, nursing, community or youth work together with qualification/training in Motivational Interviewing (MI), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Relapse Prevention.
- Have a minimum of 1 years relevant employed work experience in addiction, community development, health & social care, education, or related fields including experience of crisis support, key working, case management and group facilitation
- Understand the current National Drugs Strategy, National Drug Rehabilitation Framework, logic model reporting, QUADS and/or Safer Better Healthcare (SBHC) Standards.
- Additional Training Desirable: CRA/CRAFT/5-Step Method/Parenting under pressure programme
Service Delivery
- Provide a range of rehabilitation and aftercare supports targeting clients from the region including those exiting drug and/or alcohol treatment programmes or exiting prison
- Provide education, information, advocacy and treatment support to clients and their families as required
- Target, engage and establish a relationship with local drug and/or alcohol users with a view to linking them into relevant services who are not currently in contact with services
- Assess the needs of clients and match their needs with the appropriate evidence-based interventions and arrange input from other relevant agencies where necessary
- Have an individual integrated care plan, which is based on a comprehensive assessment of their needs, with appropriate treatment, rehabilitation and recovery goals, agreed with the clients. Ensure clients are case managed and tracked as they move through the continuum of care
- Develop a referral pathway and plan for those transitioning from the service
- Deliver specific substance use interventions using a variety of models i.e., Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction, Relapse Prevention as well as crisis interventions, the aim of which is to promote self-efficacy and motivation to change and to reduce harm caused by substance misuse/offending behaviours
- Referral to appropriate treatment facilities, for stabilisation, detoxification, rehabilitation
- Work closely with community, voluntary and statutory services to ensure that clients can access support in relation to other needs i.e., housing, employment and education etc.
- Provide care and support that offer both a harm reduction and recovery ethos reflecting a person-centred approach to care
- Deliver a range of harm reduction interventions in group, one to one and outreach settings to include safer injecting practices, infection control etc.
- Provide psycho-social support for persons leaving drug and/or alcohol treatment services or released from prison or moving from one point on the continuum of care to another
- Establish and deliver structured therapeutic support, group-work sessions, one to one interventions and activity-based sessions
- Support a health promotion approach, focusing on disease prevention and reduction of risks associated with substances misuse and addiction
- Ensure regular client reviews take place where appropriate with probation, health services and any other agency the clients are engaged with
- To engage in outreach work as and when required
- Support clients through the process of regaining their capacity for daily life from the impact of problem drug and /or alcohol use and reintegrating into their communities
- Supporting individuals and families access local support networks
- To assist/support clients who are engaging in or preparing for our Rehabilitation Community Employment Scheme
- Working in conjunction and in collaboration with the Opiate Substitute Treatment Clinics in Cavan/Monaghan, supporting new entrants onsite in a key working and case management role on to the GP-led OST programme
- To deliver stabilisation/low threshold groups in the Opiate Substitute Treatment Clinics in Cavan/Monaghan as required
- Participate in clinical multidisciplinary team and liaise with General Practitioner’s, primary health care, psychiatric services, statutory/community, and voluntary and other agencies as appropriate
- Facilitate group therapy, workshops, and educational groups to clients
- Produce standard monthly and quarterly reports for the Service Manager, Deputy Head of Operations (Regions) or MQI Head of Operations in line with funding agencies requirements and compile any ad hoc information requests relating as required.
- Compile and report on complaints and compliments received as required
- Responsible for ensuring that statistics/data are always updated on the CRM (eCASS) system and provide reports to the Service Manager in keeping with all required deadlines and on an ad hoc basis as required.
- Responsible for maintaining a complete, accurate and up to date record for each treatment episode on the HRB on-line web-based system
- To attend all training, workshops and courses as advised by the Service Manager
- To support and facilitate the transference of learning to workers, students, and volunteers
- To actively engage with the Service Manager regarding ones own personal/professional needs in the context of being an effective worker on the project
General Responsibilities
- To oversee the support and supervision provided to support workers, volunteers and placements in the Cavan and Monaghan service
- Comply with all verification visits by funding agencies
- To support and participate in all audits and/or evaluations
- To comply with all requirements in relation to all the appropriate paperwork for the service such as client files, accident reports, clients’ complaints, minutes of meetings etc.
- To communicate effectively and to maintain appropriate accountability to the Service Manager, Deputy Head of Operations (Regions) or Head of Operations
- Keep up to date with developments in the Northeast region
- Attend and participate in relevant committees/fora’s as advised by the Service Manager
- In conjunction with the Service Manager continuously develop the role to ensure that all aspects of the service are managed effectively and in line with service requirements
- To become familiar with and ensure that all MQI’s policies and procedures are being adhered to particularly those relating to Health & Safety, HR, Confidentiality, Boundaries and staff code of conduct etc.
- Compile and report on complaints and compliments received as required
- Undertake any other duties as assigned by the Service Manager, MQI Deputy Head of Operations (Regions) or Head of Operations.
- To actively participate in monthly line management supervision
- Notify the Service Manager as soon as possible where there are reasonable grounds for concern that a child may have been abused, or is being abused, or is at risk of abuse in accordance with current legislation, MQI’s Child Protection Policy.
Person Specification Essential:
- Level 7 qualification in Addiction/Social Care/Social Studies, Counselling, Psychology, or a related field.
- 1 years of frontline experience working with people who use drugs and alcohol.
- Experience in group facilitation.
- Knowledge of evidence based approached (e.g., Harm Reduction, CRA, CBT, SMART Recovery).
- Understanding of National Drug & Alcohol Strategy and National Drug Rehabilitation Framework.
- Full driving license.
- Accreditation in evidence-based approaches to working with people who use drugs and alcohol (e.g. CRA, CBT, Resonance Factor, SMART Recovery
Benefits MQI Offer:
- Fulfilling and challenging work.
- Sick Pay Scheme.
- Minimum 23 days of annual leave.
- Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (after 6 months, plus Death in Service benefit).
- Line management supervision.
- Learning and development program.
- Paid family leave (maternity, paternity, parental, adoptive, force majeure, compassionate leave).
- Educational assistance (study and examination leave).
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
- Health & Wellness Program.
Application Process:
If you are interested in this exciting role, please click the link below to apply
Salary: 33,860-35,920