West Cork Development Partnership, Bandon Family Resource Centre & Key Stakeholder: Bandon Research 2024

Bandon Research 2024.

Collaboration between West Cork Development Partnership, Bandon Family Resource Centre and Key Stakeholders serving the town. Funded by the SICAP Programme.

We are seeking a consultant to undertake a consultation and research project, to be completed before December 2024.


To understand and reflect on the changing nature of social structure in Bandon town over the past 20 years and to extrapolate towards future needs.

To inform the provision of services and supports for the community in the town.

To be completed before December 2024, the report should include an executive summary and a main report.

The report should be presented in a professional format, be comprehensive using accessible and clear language, include images, data summaries and info-graphics to highlight key points.

Elements of the study..

Profile of needs, services and deficits for Bandon town consisting of:…

Analysis of Census 2022 data for Bandon town using SAPS and small area mapping.

Analysis of trends and Changes in past 20 years using previous census data and mapping.

Also informed by additional data sets such as Education / Justice / Local Authority / Health / Tusla and other sources of relevant data.

Comparisons of chances and issues with other towns of similar size and peri-urban influences for relativity analysis.

Details analysis of circumstances and conditions of particular target groups / thematic areas which emerge or are identified in census analysis. – Key groups (are likely to be.. / will be)…

  • Roma
  • Low income Migrant workers – EU citizens and Non EU workers on visa.
  • Other low income workers and families living in poverty. (Renters)
  • Refugees / Internation Protection Applicants and Temporary Protection residents.
  • Single Parent Families
  • Young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds – Under 12’s / 12-18 Year olds, 19-30 year olds.
  • Homelessness / Persons with Housing deficits.
  • Unemployed and Under-employed and people with reduced work capacity.
  • Persons with Transport challenges.
  • People with disabilities / Persons in need of mental health supports.
  • Older People
  • Travellers
  • Any other group which emerges from the analysis.

These detailed analysis of circumstances will be informed by face to face case study and focus group sessions with representatives of the relevant groups. Through meeting with these groups, our report will paint a picture of and add colour to the circumstances of individuals from these groups over an above the information provided by the raw data. Bandon FRC, WCDP and other stakeholders will assist with identifying and engaging with the relevant candidates as required. Meeting space will also be provided. Local groups in Bandon town will assist with convening representatives from the target groups identified.

The report will include consultation with key stakeholders and service providers in the town, specifically Bandon Connects group.

The report will include a profile of social and community services existing in the town. (Including services delivered on an outreach basis into the town) and services provided elsewhere for which Bandon residents must travel. Data informing the services profile will be informed by the stakeholders.

Other elements of the report will be: …

  • Clarification of what is working well and areas where additional investment is needed. Recommendations on areas and themes where integration is taking place and where it can be achieved.
  • Identification of deficits in services with comparison to other similar towns in Ireland.
  • Projection of future social structure anticipated in Bandon and future service needs.
  • Be cognisant of existing plans for the town from other bodies including Cork County Council and key statutory service providers. Be relevant to and in analogous with medium terms national strategic plans for the sectors considered.
  • Recognising any obvious limitations, the plans and recommendations for the town should also include ambition to deliver world class services in the town, learning from best practices in service delivery in Ireland and throughout the world.
  • Any other areas deemed important to achieve comprehensiveness in the report.

The report will include Conclusions & Recommendations.

Appendices, bibliography, and references to key literature.

The project will be overseen by a task group consisting of West Cork Development Partnership, Bandon Family Resource Centre and nominees from Bandon Connects Group.

We are happy to discuss the details above with any prospective consultant to ensure focus on the areas needed.

Tenderers should identify their approach to deliver the above exercise and the steps and milestones which will be delivered along the way.

Tenderers will submit a draft report for consideration by sub-committee prior to completion.

Duration: To be completed before end December 2024

Budget:  Maximum €15,000 to include all costs.


  • Price 50%
  • Experience of previous research articulating social profile. 50%

In your tender document, please identify examples of previous research.

The quote should include a schedule of activities and steps involved to meet the task within the timeframe.

Copyright of research will belong to WCDP and Logos of all SICAP Funders to be included in final report (will be provided).

Interested persons, please send a quote to fergal@wcdp.ie before 5PM on 10th August 2022.

For additional information or clarifications, please feel free to email fergal@wcdp.ie

For Further Information Please contact
Fergal Conlon
086 856 6364

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Bandon, Co Cork