Wicklow Uplands Council: Strategic and Communication Strategy


Wicklow Uplands Council is seeking an experienced consultant to carry out a high level review of the organisation and develop a robust new three-year Strategic & Communications Plan for the years 2025 – 2027.

  1. Introduction:

Wicklow Uplands Council is an independent voluntary organisation which serves to represent those who live, work and recreate in the Wicklow Uplands. The organisation was first established in 1997 in response to concerns regarding developments and pressures facing the region. The aim of Wicklow Uplands Council is;

‘To support the sustainable use of the Wicklow Uplands through consensus and partnership with those who live, work and recreate there’.

The organisation takes a partnership approach to sustainable development. It represents the concerns of its members to statutory stakeholders and promotes bottom-up projects which bring value to those who live and work in the region as well as to those who use it for recreational purposes. Wicklow Uplands Council is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. For full details visit www.wicklowuplands.ie.

  1. Context:

Wicklow Uplands Council is now over 25 years in existence and it wishes to carry out a review of its structure and operations. The purpose of this review is to identify possible improvements in the organisation’s structure and to ensure that procedures are following best governance practice. The last external review of the organisation’s structure was carried out in 2020. The most recent strategic plan covered the period 2021-2023 and while it has expired, the Council has since followed the priorities of that plan. The new Wicklow Uplands Council 2025-2027 Strategic Plan will identify key priorities and themes that will guide and focus the development and activities of the organisation over the next 3-year period. An external consultant is being sought to encourage an open and independent process.

  1. Members, Directors and Stakeholders:

Wicklow Uplands Council has both individual and group members. Membership is divided between four representative panel groups which is based on the main area of interest of the individual/group. The panels are i) farming and landowners, ii) environment and recreation interests, iii) tourism and economic interests and iv) community interests. A Board of Directors of up to 27 individuals is elected each year. The organisation works closely with a number of key stakeholders including; Wicklow County Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Teagasc, County Wicklow Partnership, Irish Uplands Forum, Mountaineering Ireland etc.

  1. Description of Work:

This process will

  1. Facilitate and develop a three-year Strategic Plan from 2025 -2030

Wicklow Uplands Council’s existing Strategic Plan expired in 2023 and the Council has since followed the priorities of that plan. The organisation is seeking a consultant who will examine that previous plan and evaluate the achievements and shortcomings of same. The successful consultant will consult with all relevant parties and review the mission and guiding values of the organisation and help to identify the key priorities and themes that will guide and focus the work of Wicklow Uplands Council in the period 2025-2030. The new Strategic Plan will include measurable objectives and targets. And is expected to include a comprehensive communications strategy to support the strategic plan, including key messages, target audiences, communication channels, and a timeline for implementation.

  1. Detailed Specification and Requirements

The successful consultant will:

  • Evaluate national, regional and local policies and plans that are relevant to the mission and vision of Wicklow Uplands Council- Draft River Basin Management Plan, Our Plance in time, Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan, etc.
  • Design and deliver a focused consultation process with members, directors, stakeholders and key funders to inform the development of the new strategic plan.
  • A SWOT analysis.
  • Review the vision, mission and guiding values of the organisation
  • Assist in identifying the key priorities which will guide the work of Wicklow Uplands Council throughout the next period including the Nature Restoration law, Biodiversity and Climate Crises and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Facilitate and draft and effective and forward looking Wicklow Uplands Council 2025-2027 Strategic Plan
  • Prepare a communications /works programme to support the strategic plan, including key messages, target audiences, communication channels, and a timeline for implementation.
  • Establish metrics and a framework for monitoring progress and evaluating the effectiveness of the strategic plan and communications strategy, ensuring ongoing refinement and improvement.
  • Include any additional recommendations in their submission which might add to this process.
  1. Conditions for participation

Tenderers should prepare a written submission which details the following:

  • Name, address and contact details of the individual or company. In the case of a company the details of a main contact person must be supplied
  • Detail of previous appropriate experience in facilitation and strategic planning and relevant qualifications
  • Provide a clear methodology on how the tenderer will fulfil the requirements of this tender document and a proposed timeline for same.
  • Provide a clear breakdown of costs and the overall cost for the service provided. This must be exclusive of VAT but the relevant VAT rate should be indicated. The price must be quoted in euro.
  • Note - the successful tenderer will be required to provide evidence of tax compliance
  • All costs associated with the consultant’s response to the Request for Tender will be the responsibility of the consultant.
  1. Specific Skills required

  • The individual or organisation must be experienced in working with groups and developing strategic plans for non-profit organisations or voluntary organisation
  • An ability to engage effectively with participants to draw out relevant information to guide the strategic planning process.
  • A good knowledge of the Governance Code requirements for small organisations.
  • Experience working with multi-stakeholder groups.
  1. Data protection

Wicklow Uplands Council is subject to GDPR. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified.

  1. Proposed Timeline

It is envisaged that this process will begin no later than 31st July 2024 and will be completed no later than the end of October 2024 i.e. over a maximum period of 4 months from the start date.

Closing Date for Submission of tenders

The closing date for the receipt of tenders is 12 noon on 18th July 2024. Tenders should be returned to Wicklow Uplands Council via email to info@wicklowuplands.ie. Tenders received late will not be considered

  1. Evaluation Process

All tender proposals will be checked for compliance with the Request for Tender conditions. Potential consultants will be assessed both on their tender proposal and if required, a follow up interview. They will be assessed against the following major attributes:

  • Proven capability and experience in research, consultation and strategic planning (400)
  • Methodology (350)
  • Cost (250)
  • Timeframe

Wicklow Uplands Council is not bound to accept the lowest, or any tender and will award the contract to its best advantage.

  1. Contact:

Please return tender to the email address below, with all queries directed to same:

Closing Date: Thursday 18thst July 2024 (12 noon)

Lorna Kelly, Coordinator, Wicklow Uplands Council

Tel No: 01 2818406

Email: info@wicklowuplands.ie

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Wicklow