Pobal: Invitation to Tender - SICAP, Implementing Support for New Arrivals

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Research on the experiences of Local Development Companies who supported Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and International Protection Applicants under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme. Tender 0305

Reference: 0305 SICAP: Implementing Support for New Arrivals

Invitation to Tender: Research piece on the experiences of Local Development Companies who supported Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and International Protection Applicants under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme


This research aims to gain an insight and understanding of the methods employed by Local Development Companies implementing the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) from 2022 onwards to support Ukrainian Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection as well as International Protection Applicants, the types of supports provided and the challenges and successes therein

It is envisaged that the research will use a mixed-methods approach, utilising, at a minimum, surveys, focus groups and LDC case study/annual report analysis. There is some scope for the researcher to input around areas for exploration as the research process progresses.


In total, the project is expected to be 16 weeks duration. This project will begin circa end of July 2024, with an interim progress report by mid-September 2024 and the final report to be completed and approved by end of November 2024.


A maximum budget of €16,000 (ex. VAT and all associated costs for the duration of the project) is approved for this project.

All submissions should be emailed to ocosgrove@pobal.ie on or before 17:00hrs on Tuesday 9th July 2024 and include:

  • Cover letter.
  • Brief overview of organisation/consultancy and suitable personnel for project lead.
  • Outline of relevant experience - track record in facilitation and consultation, including specific experience of consulting similar populations.
  • Detailed description of methodology and timeline for proposal.
  • A proposed work plan and programme, with start and finish dates, including a timeline for specific tasks.
  • Two referees, including contact details.
  • Breakdown of costing, inclusive and exclusive of VAT.
  • Tax clearance access number details.
  • Evidence of Insurance.
  • Number of persons responsible for fulfilment of contract and CVs of all personnel proposed to be involved in the research.

Full details can be found in the attached Request for Tender 0305 document.

Attachment Size
Request for Tender 0305 272.52 KB
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