Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre: Invitation to Tender - Strategic Plan & Cafe Business Plan

Invitation to tender

Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre invites tenders for the development of strategic plan and cafe business plan to establish:

  • Clear Direction:
  • Prioritize Resources
  • Improve Decision Making:
  • Enhance Organizational Alignment
  • Facilitate Growth and Adaptation
  • Performance Measurement and Accountability
  • Enhance Communication and Engagement
  • Drive Organizational Change:
  • Track and Evaluate Progress

The Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre CLG is a state-of-the-art community building opened on 25th May, 2001. We are funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Community Services Programme. Since opening, we have grown to become an integral part of the Dublin 10 community by providing space for vital community activities, events, and services. This includes our recently renovated People’s Park which provides a beautiful green space to relax with the family.

We provide a large theatre and rehearsal studio along with two board /training rooms for general use by the public. Our theatre is used for launches and events by local groups such as Irish Dancing, HSE Chinese Boxing, Church Groups, Crinniú (Gathering of Youth), Bingo, Festivals, Local Plays, Christmas dinners and year-round tea dances for senior citizens. Our meeting rooms are used for training sessions, interviews etc.

The Selection of a facilitator / consultant to carry out the Strategic Plan will be made at the discretion of the Board. Applicants should submit a tender document which addresses the points listed below in the order given. The tender document should be no more than 2,500 words (excluding CVs, which should be added as appendices). Please find the information headings to be addressed in the tender document below.

General information

  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the applicant
  • A copy of the applicant’s Tax Clearance certificate, or, in the case of a non-resident applicant, a statement from the Revenue Commissioners confirming suitability on tax grounds.

Previous relevant experience and expertise

  • Outline of the qualifications and relevant professional experience of the applicant. Please add a summary CV.
  • Please describe expertise and competencies that relate to the area of work described in the tender.

Strategic Plan methodology

  • Outline how the Strategic Plan will be completed including describing the different stages of completing the work.

Timetable for completion

  • The deadline for the completion of the Strategic Plan is 30th November 2024
  • The applicant is required to outline a proposed calendar/timetable of activities from start to finish.
  • The applicant is required to provide a breakdown of the hours / days devoted to the carrying out of this tender.


  • The costs for proposals to undertake the Strategic Plan should not exceed €10,000 including VAT, outlay, staff costs, travel, subsistence, word and data processing and printing, overhead costs and any other standard costs.
  • Payment will be made on an agreed basis during the project.

Requests for further information or clarification

Requests for further information or clarification of any aspect of this process or expectations for this Strategic Plan can be made by email to

To ensure equitable treatment of prospective tenderers, where such additional information or clarification is provided, Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre will seek to make relevant information available to all. Therefore, please provide a contact email address with your tender to facilitate this information-sharing.

Terms and conditions


The Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre will remain the sole owner of all end-products including, but not limited to, research data, reports, documentation, information, etc., irrespective of whether the project is completed. The contractor’s work shall be acknowledged by the Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre in materials produced and disseminated based on work completed under this contract. Proposals for scholarly/academic publishing under the name(s) of the researcher(s) arising from this research can be discussed with Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre, as owner of the data and other products of the research and may be agreed to subject to prior approval in writing from Ballyfermot Community Centre.

Conflict of interest

Any registered interest involving the contractor and Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre, their staff or relatives must be fully disclosed in the response to this Invitation to Tender or should be communicated to Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre immediately upon such information becoming known to the contractor. In any case, such information must be made available prior to the award of the contract. The terms "Registered Interest" and "Relative" shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1995. Failure to disclose a conflict of interest may disqualify a tenderer or invalidate an award of contract, depending on when the conflict of interest comes to light.

Submission of tenders

Tenders should be submitted by email attachment as a single PDF or Microsoft Word document (with applicant CVs as appendices) to Receipt of tenders will be acknowledged.

The closing date for receipt of completed tenders is 30th July 2024.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 10