Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre: Invitation to Tender - Audit Service

Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre invites tenders for the audit and preparation of their annual accounts, internal control review, organisation of accounting processes and related taxation and company filing services.

Overview of Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre Registered number 6384765I is a Company Limited by Guarantee. There are no shareholders, the Trustees are the members.

The principal activity of the company is the provision:

Is to provide a focal point for the Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard communities. This will be achieved through the provision of a high-quality premises and access to a range of economic, social and cultural initiatives and services that respond to the articulated needs of the residents of Dublin 10, contributing to improvements in the quality of their lives and tackling social isolation and marginalisation.’


Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre CLG is grant funded primarily by

  • Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) administered by Pobal towards supports towards staff salaries.
  • Several other funding arrangements are in place from other grant giving bodies subject to successful grant applications.

Funding is currently received on a year-by-year basis through the submission, assessment and approval of a programme of activities. Reports to our funders are submitted on half yearly basis using their guidelines and formats.

Reported income in 2024 is expected to be:

Community Centre – €675,000

The Financial period will end on the 31st December each year.

The Audit will require.

  • The Statutory Audit of Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre clg books and records and the preparation of accounts for each bank account.
  • A reconciliation of the returns and the audited accounts.
  • Preparation and filing of returns and accounts to the Companies Registration Office.
  • Attendance and presentation of audited accounts at the AGM.
  • Management letter and recommendations.
  • Preparation and filing of tax returns where applicable.
  • Other secretarial services as may be required from time to time.

Applicants must be qualified to carry out audits in the Republic of Ireland and knowledge of the Government-Funded Services is a requirement.

The audited financial statements are normally required to be submitted to Funders within the first half of the year.

Internal Control Review.

A comprehensive review of the financial files, project files and employee files within the Centre may be sought from time to time.

Duties of the Auditor

The auditor shall provide the auditing services and carry out such services with all reasonable skill and care.

The auditor has discretion as to the way the auditing services are to be performed but shall have regard to:

  • auditing practice and International Standards on Auditing as issued from time to time by the Auditing Practices Board
  • the rules governing Charitable organisations in Ireland.
  • the auditor shall ensure that all relevant deadlines are met to enable the audited financial statements to be available within the specified statutory time.

The letter of engagement of the auditor will have these specific clauses as set out by POBAL:

  • A reconciliation between the annual financial statements and the cumulative expenditure returns submitted to Funder.
  • The need for the auditor to familiarise themselves with the public accountability requirements of the programmes the Company administers.
  • An all-inclusive audit fee agreed in writing at the commencement of each audit.
  • The auditor must issue a management letter after each statutory audit. If no issues are highlighted during the statutory audit, the management letter should be issued stating this (reference: POBAL financial guidelines)

Tender Information:

Tenders are requested from appropriately qualified auditors. Information submitted should include.

  • Approach to be taken to audit work.
  • Time constraints and completion dates
  • Proposed format of the statutory accounts
  • A reference from current audit clients
  • Statutory audit fee per annum
  • Current tax clearance reference number and tax clearance access number
  • Confirmation that Professional Indemnity Insurance is currently in place, will be held in place for the duration of this agreement and the levels that will be held in place.
  • Confirmation that the Auditor is a member of a recognised Accountancy body.
  • Details of any other services you can provide which may be of benefit to the Centre.

It is the intention of Ballyfermot Community Civic Centre clg that this tender invitation would be valid for a three-year period; an initial one-year contract would be offered and subject to annual approval by the Board would then be renewed. The information supplied should cover the three-year period. All tender fees should be quoted exclusive of VAT.

Completed tenders should be submitted by email before Friday 5th July 5.00p.m.

Further Information:

If you require further information in advance of submitting your tender, please contact

Tenders will be evaluated based on the written submission (with clarifications if required).

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 10