Cork City Public Participation Network: Vision for an Inclusive City

Cork City Public Participation Network logo


The Cork City Public Participation Network is a network of community and voluntary, social inclusion, and environmental organisations, which is active in Cork City.

Public Participation Networks were set up in 2014 because of The Local Government Reform Act. There is a Public Participation Network in every local authority area. Cork City Public Participation Network has grown to have more than 200 members.

What is the aim of Cork City Public Participation Network?

Cork City PPN is the collective voice for all community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion organisations in Cork City, its purpose is to improve people’s well-being by involving the community in local decision-making.

The aim of Cork City Public Participation Network is to co-ordinate how the Cork City Public Participation Network Members are represented. In administering the organisation, we aim to:

  • Help represent the community
  • Make members stronger
  • Keep members informed

Objective of the Project – Vision for an Inclusive City

The overall objective is to prepare and deliver a document outlining Cork City PPN’s Vision for an Inclusive City.

The Cork City Public Participation (CCPPN) want to develop a consultation process whereby CCPPN’s membership groups can develop a document which helps to outline what a more inclusive City here in Cork looks like with a focus on more marginalised communities including, but not limited to:

  • Disabled persons/people with a disability
  • Youth
  • Older generations
  • Single-parent/lone-parent families
  • LGBTQI+ community
  • Migrant communities
  • Refugee/asylum seekers
  • Those with housing insecurity & homelessness

This process will support the development of a document which will outline what a more inclusive Cork City will look like.

The resulting document aims to empower the work of CCPPN.

These core areas are open to change based on the consultation and research carried out during this project. However, the final core areas must align with government strategy relating to Public Participation Networks.

Please see tender document attached below.

Submission of Tender

Enquiries and tenders should be directed to Alannah O'Callaghan - Cork City PPN Coordinator. Email:

Closing Date: July 24th 2024 at 5pm.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Cork