Bohemian Football Club: Invitation to Tender - The Spark Project
Invitation to Tender: The Spark Project Independent Evaluation
Bohemian Football Club has been a fan-owned football club since its foundation in 1890. The club is committed to using the football to champion the issues its members, fans, and wider community face each day. Community initiatives are direct investments in the future of the club, and, as outlined in the Bohemian FC Football Social Responsibility / Community Strategy 2023-2027, the club is directing its efforts across five action areas including climate justice and sustainability.
Project Background
The Spark is Bohemian FC’s main climate project, which aims to create the enabling conditions for a climate cooperative in Dublin 7. A climate cooperative can create employment opportunities, build community resilience and create a more democratic local economy, ensuring wealth created through
climate action is shared locally.
About the Spark
The Spark is a three-year (September 2022 – September 2025), learning-by-doing initiative supported by Pobal and the Community Climate Action Fund. Recognising that a cooperative can’t be established overnight, the Spark unites 14 local and national partners to instil a cooperative culture and develop an Articles of Association. These efforts include community educational programmes and community innovations designed to foster this culture and drive meaningful climate action that benefits the whole community.
The Spark Independent Evaluation
Bohemian Football Club is seeking tender proposals for the independent evaluation of the Spark. Liaising with the Spark team, the successful respondent will provide a comprehensive evaluation of project measuring the overall impact of the Spark as it nears completion.
Please see full Tender Document attached below.
Applying for Tender
Please forward an application before 12 midnight on Sunday, 9th March by email to
- Tenderers are asked to include the following with their application:
CV - Proposal for providing independent evaluation, including details as per the assessment criteria outlined in the Tender Document attached below.