Substance Use Regional Forum: Invitation to Tender

Regional Mapping Exercise
‘To map current service provision for people at risk of/experiencing substance use disorder and their families and identify gaps in the continuum of care’

Substance Use Regional Forum (SURF) is the new name for the South Western Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force (SWRDATF), covering Kildare, West Wicklow and parts of South Dublin. SURF is at an exciting juncture. We recently completed our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan and are now seeking external support to progress some of the key goals in the plan.


Strategic aim 2 of our plan reads: ‘Map regional service provision and act on the results’. We wish to contract an individual or company who can support us to achieve two of the objectives under this strategic aim, namely:

  • To undertake a detailed mapping exercise of relevant services for people at risk of/experiencing substance use disorder and their families in the region
  • To access and/or generate quantitative and qualitative data to analyse the service user journey and identify gaps in care pathways.

The reasons we want to undertake this work are multifold and include: a changing landscape of service provision since the Covid pandemic; the lack of a definitive map/listing of all relevant services in the region; known gaps in the provision of services for people at risk of/experiencing substance use disorder and their families; and the need for better data to inform decision-making.

SURF will use the outputs of this project to address the other two objectives under strategic aim 2, namely:

  • To use evidence from the mapping exercise to formulate and/or receive proposals for improved linkages between services, better quality services, expanded services, reconstituted services, or new services
  • To decide the extent to which SURF should be a frontline service provider or incubator of same.


The exact scope of the work will be agreed between the Task Force Coordinator and contractor(s), and signed off by the Board of Directors prior to commencement, but is likely to include the following:

  • Meetings with key staff to fully understand the brief, the context and what information/knowledge is already available to feed into the process as well as regular progress reports
  • The development and sign-off of a mapping template for all relevant services in the region across all sectors (public, private and not-for-profit) and along the support continuum (from prevention and early intervention, through to various levels of treatment and rehabilitation and onwards to recovery, both directly relating to drugs and to allied services such as education, mental health, probation, homelessness, etc) with a specific emphasis on the nature of inward and outward referrals
  • An agreed repository for the mapping data (database and/or written report, either offline and/or online)
  • Analysis of existing data sets, checking of same and inclusion of up-to-date information into the repository
  • Sourcing of additional data and inclusion of up-to-date information into the repository, using a variety of methods (online searches, proactive contact with services, targeted interactions with service users, etc)
  • The development of a graphical representation and narrative description of the service user journey within the region, including key service gaps
  • Presentation of final results to the Forum.

What we are looking for from contractors

  • Independence from SURF and a declaration that any potential conflicts of interest will be reported to the Task Force Coordinator without delay
  • Some understanding of the field of addiction and service provision for addiction and interrelated issues
  • Demonstrable experience of mapping
  • A highly methodical approach to work
  • Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of individuals and organisations, both oral and written
  • Availability to commence and complete this work as soon as possible
  • Registered for tax purposes with evidence of tax compliance.

Indicative budget

The total cost for the project (inclusive of VAT) cannot exceed €12,500. This should include all fees, administration, travel, etc. A payment schedule will be agreed with the successful applicant. Payments will be made within 30 days of receipt of an invoice. If at any stage during the project, the agreed level of quality of the work is not adhered to, payment may be withheld.


Expressions of interest are sought that should include the following:

  • A statement of interest and suitability to carry out this work
  • CV and/or biography of lead contractor
  • CV and/or biography of other team members, if applicable
  • Samples of/links to similar work previously undertaken
  • The contact details of at least two referees
  • Initial ideas for fulfilling the scope of the brief
  • A fee for the completion of the project, including a detailed breakdown of costs

Please forward the expressions of interest by Thursday 12th September 2024

Any questions?

Please contact Lisa Baggott, Task Force Coordinator
or Rebecca O’Callaghan, Treatment & Rehab Coordinator

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Kildare, Wicklow & Dublin