Irish Traveller Movement: Invitation to Tender

Irish Traveller Movement logo

Invitation to Tender:
Development of Traveller Accommodation Rights and Public Sector Duty Toolkit

Project Name: Traveller Accommodation Rights and Public Sector Duty

Contact Person: Bernard Joyce


In 2023, Irish Traveller Movement was awarded a grant by The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission under their 2023 Supporting Compliance with Public Sector Duty grant scheme.
The overall goal of ITM is to mobilise and empower Travellers to come together to challenge racism and inequality in order that Travellers’ rights are realised. ITM is seeking a consultant to create a Traveller Accommodation Rights toolkit which supports Travellers to engage with relevant agencies.

Irish Traveller Movement

ITM is a national membership organisation, made up of almost 38 local and national Traveller organisations. We work collectively to represent the views of Travellers and Traveller organisations at a national and international level. We develop policies, actions and innovative programmes to bring about the full realisation of human rights for Travellers in Ireland. We work to challenge the inequalities faced by Travellers by promoting Traveller participation and leadership locally and nationally, by developing and sharing best practice, developing evidence-based research to inform our work.

Know Your Rights Accommodation Toolkit

The Irish Traveller movement is seeking a consultant to create an accessible information toolkit. As part of this project, ITM is committed to developing easily accessible and engaging resources, which allow for its member-organisations, and those advocating on behalf of the Travellers community to better understand Public Sector Duty.

The toolkit involves the following areas:

  • Providing a step by step guide for Local Traveller Organisations on The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires public authorities to consider how their policies and decisions affect Traveller groups. Public bodies must assess, address, and report on equality impacts, ensuring they eliminate discrimination, advance equality, including intersectionality, and foster good relations.
  • How Local Traveller groups can engage at each stage providing feedback on policies, ensuring their needs are considered Traveller groups can help ensure that public bodies fulfil their equality obligations effectively.
  • Provide a Clear Summary of Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998 and accessible explanation of its provisions including; the Traveller Accommodation Programmes, the Local and National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committees.
  • Summarise the findings of recent reports, prioritising information relevant to local contexts. Examples include the IHREC Equality Reviews, ESRI & IHREC’s Monitoring Adequate Housing in Ireland, and the expert report on Traveller Accommodation and Policy as it relates to Travellers.
  • Compile case studies on effective local-level human rights monitoring. Highlight examples such as the Travellers of North Cork's implementation of the Public Sector Duty, and the Galway Traveller Movement’s Traveller Homes Now campaign and monitoring process.
  • Provide options to uphold rights, including links to relevant supports such as ombudsman offices and organisations offering free legal advice. Additionally, to include case studies demonstrating how ITM members have effectively utilised these supports to increase local authority accountability to their Public Sector Duty.
  • Voice of participants: Design appropriate participatory methods and tools to include voices of participants/ stakeholders.

Tenders should include the following:

Please submit your CV and your tender proposal under the following headings:

  • Contact information
  • Relevant Experience
  • A Proposed timeline and methodology to carry out in the development of toolkit
  • Budget- including any daily rate of consultant
  • Web links of the most recent of previous work carried out
  • Two References


  • Deadline for application: 31st July 2024
  • Starting work: 5th September 2024
  • Finalised. 21th December 2024


The budget for this work is to a maximum amount of €9.400 The tenderer should include their proposed daily rate, which should include all labour costs, attendance at online meetings, and other expenses.

Payment Breakdown

  • Payments will be made on receipt of invoices.
  • Payment one: Instalment one will be paid at the beginning of the contract.
  • Payment two: instalment two will be paid on successful completion of the toolkit.

Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

Criterion - Max score available

  • Qualification, Relevant Experience, Track Record - 30%
  • Methodology, Understanding of the Brief - 50%
  • Cost of successful project delivery and value for money - 20%
  • Total Maximum Score Available- 100%

EUR (inclusive of VAT and expenses). Please outline clearly all fees. A current tax clearance certificate will be required. This contract will be awarded on the basis of a fixed price contract. The successful consultant is expected to work within the agreed budget and report regularly on budgetary issues.

The proposal should not include budget lines for the design, print, or dissemination of the plan, which will be coordinated separately by ITM.


All information supplied in connection with this Tender shall be regarded as confidential and by submitting an offer, the Tenderer agrees to be bound by the obligation to preserve the confidentiality of all such information.

Deadline for receipt of applications: 31th July 2025

Submit to with the title: Traveller Accommodation (Know your Right Toolkit)

Further information
Any questions regarding this request for tender can be emailed to:

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide