Ifrah Foundation: Invitation to Tender



Ifrah Foundation’s current Strategic Plan covers the period 2021 – 2024.

Purpose of the Strategic Planning Process

The purpose of the development of the Strategic Plan for Ifrah Foundation is to provide the Board, staff and key stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect on our current work, identify its strengths, and where there is scope for improvement and development. The resulting plan will provide organisational management with a clear direction for the progression of the organisation over the next five years. It will facilitate decision-making and ensure that organisational delivery is in line both with the operating context and with funding available to the organisation. As these are subject to significant change during the lifetime of a five year plan, the plan will also outline strategies available to the organisation to adapt and respond flexibly to emerging challenges and opportunities.


  1. Review the organisational vision and mission statement.
  2. Set out objectives and actions required to deliver the vision and mission statement.
  3. Identify the key risks, how these will be monitored and mitigated.
  4. Develop indicators to monitor progress, both in terms of organisational development and impact of Ifrah Foundation’s work.
  5. Set out how Ifrah Foundation will ensure that it is compliant with statutory and other regulations in relation to the governance of charitable organisations.

Areas for consideration for a new strategic plan

  • Included in the analysis of the external environment other critical issues should be considered including:
    • the recent and persistent decrease in funding to frontline organisations
    • the opportunities to partner and align with organisations and consortiums with similar mandate and objectives
    • the broader pushback on gender equality efforts, being experienced globally
  • The strategic plan should acknowledge the constantly changing political and social environment. Therefore, an emphasis on organisational adaptability and flexibility should be considered in its choice of objectives.
  • An estimated budget for the duration of the plan should be included.
  • Internal annual operational plans will be developed after completion of the Strategic Plan.


The methodology for the Strategic Plan should be developed with input from senior management and the Board of Directors of Ifrah Foundation.

Engaging an external facilitator can bring a level of critical reflection which may not be possible if the process is managed internally.

Possible steps in the strategic planning methodology could therefore include:

  • A analysis of other organisations working in this sphere in Somalia & Ireland
  • Consideration of the impact of the changing international environment in terms gender rights
  • A review of learning to date, key successes and challenges in the implementation of the current plan.
  • A process of external and internal consultation with staff, consultants, Board of Directors and key stakeholders.
  • Drafting of the new plan


June 2024: Board of Directors to agree Terms of Reference and Tendering document.

July 2024: Tendering document submitted to potential consultants.

August 2024: Short-listing and interviewing potential consultants. Secure consultant.

September 2024: Begin strategic planning process.

November 2024: First draft of strategic plan.

December 2024: Final draft of strategic plan sign-off.

January 2025: Launch of strategic plan


The total fee for this work is €4,000. 

The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday 9th August 2024, by email to Info@Ifrahfoundation.org 

For queries or further information please email Leonie@Ifrahfoundatoin.org

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Glaslough, Co Monaghan