Pobal: Better Start National Team Lead
G5 Better Start National Team Lead Strategic Developments and Projects Division
About Pobal
Pobal works on behalf of Government, and in conjunction with communities and local agencies, to support social inclusion and local and community development. We do this by managing funding and providing support for programmes in the areas of Social Inclusion and Equality, Inclusive Employment and Enterprise, and Early Learning and Care.
Pobal is an Equal Opportunities Employer and welcomes suitably qualified applicants from all sections of society. Further information on how Pobal promotes Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) throughout our workplace for our staff can be found via this link. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Statement
About Better Start
Better Start: National Early Years Quality Development was established in 2014 by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to co-ordinate the work of existing State funded supports for quality in early learning and care settings to promote and develop the quality of practice, as set out in Síolta, the National Quality Framework, and Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework.
Better Start is hosted by Pobal on behalf of DCEDIY. Better Start works on three programme elements:
- Quality Development - An evidence-based specialist quality development service (QDS) that works with early learning and care settings to promote and develop the quality of practice.
- The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) - Better Start supports the implementation of (AIM), specifically to provide Expert Early Years Advice and Support to build capacity in early learning and childcare settings to enable access to the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme including full day care (in-term and during non-term time) for children with a disability.
- Early Years Learning and Development - promotes and coordinates continuing professional development through targeted continuing professional development programmes.
Establishment of new Division within Better Start
Better Start is expanding to include new functions. These will include new approaches and policy developments in Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare services within the areas of service quality and inclusion. Building on the commitments in First 5, Partnership for the Public Good and Nurturing Skills, the changes will include supporting the introduction of the Equal Start, supporting the expansion of AIM, developing a “whole system” approach in the further development of Continuous professional Development (CPD) for the sector and strengthening quality supports for school-age childcare.
Role National Team Lead
Directorate Better Start
Unit Strategic Developments and Projects
Grade 5
Reporting to Strategic Development and Projects National Manager
Role Purpose
The National Team Lead will be located in the Strategic Development and Projects (SDP) Unit of Better Start. They will support reform and transformation across Better Start programmes in relation to Equal Start, AIM extension, supports for School-Age Childcare and the development of a national CPD infrastructure and an expanded national CPD offering. They will have a role in ensuring coherent and integrated delivery, across quality, inclusion and learning and development. They will have a role in quality assurance, by both internal (Early Years Specialists), external partners and other potential providers. They will support improvement in quality and inclusion across the ELC and SAC sector. They will be responsible for ensuring that systems operate to the highest possible standard to ensure that programmes are delivered at a consistent standard of evidence-based practice and in line with national policy. Key responsibilities include Strategic planning, service management and reporting, service development and change management, people management and networking. The National Team Lead will provide a key leadership role and will directly assist and support the Strategic Developments and Projects National Manager in establishing, developing, and delivering the service and implementing new initiatives arising from Government policies and priorities.
Please see Job Description and Person Specification attached below.
Selection Process
A shortlisting exercise will be employed. Eligible applications will be shortlisted according to how well the experience and skills as described by applicants match the needs of Pobal for this post. Those candidates whose applications, in the opinion of the review panel, appear best suited to the position will be short-listed for interview.
Deadline for application: March 20th, 2024
Applications will not be accepted after the closing date.
The complete job spec, application form and further information can be found on the Pobal website: Pobal Job Vacancies
Pobal is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes suitably qualified applicants from all sections of society.