Tusla: Invitation to Provide a Quotation
Invitation to Provide a Quotation: Evaluation of the Tusla-Traveller Families Care Project to recruit foster carers from the Traveller and Roma Communities under the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy
Background & Context
Tusla National Services was successful in receiving What Works Funding under Dormant Accounts for 2021, 2022 and 2023 and subsequently an extension of Dormant accounts funding in 2024 to support a project aimed at raising awareness among the Traveller and Roma Communities about the need for foster carers.
Under the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy II Tusla is committed to “Encourage and support Traveller and Roma families to become foster carers and enhance the capacity to provide culturally appropriate placements for Traveller and Roma Children.”
The project identified 4 initial targets to achieve this aim:
- Increased interest from the Travellers and Roma community in becoming foster carers identified via information provided at in person or virtual events.
- Increased enquiries from the Traveller and the Roma community about becoming foster carers.
- Increased applications from the Traveller and Roma community to be assessed to become foster carers
- Increased number of approved Traveller and Roma foster carers
Overview of Dormant Account Funding Workstreams
There are four workstreams in this project
- To increase the awareness among the Traveller and Roma community of the need for carers from both communities, including the creation of awareness about the criteria and processes involved in becoming a foster carer.
- To build trust between the Traveller and Roma Communities and Tusla to facilitate individuals in coming forward to explore fostering.
- To support Traveller and Roma enquirers in pursing an enquiries and/or application/assessment if required.
- To support learning and development needs for Tusla staff in the context of Traveller and Roma culture. This has included the provision of cultural awareness and anti-discriminatory practice training as well as consultation and support.
The desired outcomes from this project for Traveller children and families will include:
- Improved relationships between Tusla staff and Traveller and Roma community members.
- Increased knowledge and awareness amongst the Traveller and Roma communities about the need for foster carers from their communities.
- Increased enquiries and applications from Traveller and Roma individuals to become foster carers.
- Increased numbers of Traveller and Roma foster Carers in Tusla
- Ensuring children from Roma and Traveller backgrounds and culture have access to culturally appropriate placements
The desired outcomes from this project for Tusla staff will include:
- Increased support to Traveller and Roma communities interested in fostering and increased support with application process
- Anti-discriminatory and anti-racist practice supporting the inclusion and support of Roma and Traveller foster carers
- Increased advocacy alongside other state agencies and rights-based organisations and awareness of the barriers which members of the Roma and Traveller Community face when applying to become foster carers.
- Improved relationships between the Roma and Traveller communities and local Tusla social work departments.
Request for Quotation
Tusla is seeking a skilled individual or organisation to work with the National Working Group for Traveller children and young people to undertake a process evaluation to learn from the implementation of the Pilot of work funded by Dormant Accounts funding.
This evaluation is specifically to enquire about
- The success of the project in meeting the 4 targets
- The strengths of the pilot
- The barriers to success for the pilot
- Make recommendations about how best integrate the learning from the pilot into future foster care recruitment initiatives
The process evaluation will focus on the following questions and will facilitate the participation of Tusla and Traveller and Roma organisations/services
- What has the pilot achieved?
- What has been learned from the work – enablers and challenges?
- What recommendations can be made for the future roll out of initiatives?
The Evaluation is to include recommendations about:
- the learning from the process evaluation to support the collaborative working relationships between Tusla and Traveller & Roma organisations/ services for the ongoing implementation of the initiatives and desired outcomes
- The type and method of data collection for all initiatives to support a consistent approach for tracking activities and outcomes for progress reports for Tusla and for DCEDIY for NTRIS 11.
- future evaluations and/or research.
The process evaluation will employ primary and secondary data
- Secondary data analysis- Dormant Accounts Funding (DAF) Progress reports and 2022 Evaluation report
- Focus groups with Traveller and Roma organisations/services and Tusla/Traveller Family Care leads
- Focus group with Fostering staff working with the project
- An application for Tusla Research Ethics Committee approval including a Data protection impact assessment may be required.
The draft of the process evaluation report to be submitted to the National Working Group by July 2025 for presentation to Tusla senior management team for feedback. Final report will be completed by September 10th, 2025.
The applicant is required to include in their application:
- Details of their organisation and profile of individuals who will be involved in the evaluation.
- Details of expert knowledge and experience of similar
- Relevant experience in conducting a similar type of evaluation. (Please submit details about previous similar projects)
- Evidence of evaluation and report writing.
- A description of the overall approach to the work and methodologies that will be used in the evaluation
- Detailed costings/ quotes for the work to be undertaken to include VAT.
- Timeframe for the completion of tasks. Include a Gannt chart with application
Details of two referees.
Applicants should include tax clearance and insurance details as part of the application.
Application Process:
- Cover later, including the tenderer’s outline plan and methodology for approaching the work: a maximum of two pages.
- CV(s) of all personnel involved.
- Costings for the work to be undertaken.
- Details of referees.
Criteria pertaining to the evaluation of Quotations received:
- Researcher relevant experience and knowledge: 20
- Researcher understanding of brief: 20
- Methodological approach: 40
- Proven track record: 10
- Fee/ Value for money: 10
Start Date & Budget
The aim is to award the Tender for Evaluation as early as possible into Q1, 2025.
The total budget for this work is up to €20,000 including VAT. The successful tenderer will be
responsible for all tax, VAT, and other associated liabilities. Tusla will be responsible for contract management for the duration of the project. The successful tenderer will adhere to all the terms and conditions of the contract. The contractors reserve the right to withhold payment where the successful tenderer fails to meet his/her contractual obligations in relation to the delivery of services to an acceptable level of quality.
Completed Tenders should be returned by email to: Irene OConnor, Business Support to the National Lead for Foster Care at irene.oconnor1@tusla.ie by COB Monday 24th February 2025.
Any informal enquiries regarding the project can be made directly to Jacqueline Smyth, National Lead for foster Care; 0868062420