Office of the Inspector of Prisons: Request for Tender - Communications
The Transversal Challenges and Multilateral Projects Division of the Department for the Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation, DGI, of the Council of Europe is launching a call for tenders under the project “Technical Support for More Effective and Resilient National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM)” for the provision of international consultancy services.
Call for Tender in the field of communication services:
- Lot 1: Development of communication and stakeholder / public relations strategy, as well as an awareness raising campaign for the Office of Inspectorate of Prisons of Ireland.
- Lot 2: Training on communication for the Office of Inspectorate of Prisons of Ireland.
- Lot 3: Support in design of communication actions for the Office of Inspectorate of Prisons of Ireland.
- Lot 4: Development of communication and stakeholder / public relations strategy, as well as an awareness raising campaign for the National Preventive Mechanism of Cyprus.
- Lot 5: Training on communication for the National Preventive Mechanism of Cyprus.
- Lot 6: Support in design of communication actions for the National Preventive Mechanism of Cyprus.
You can consult the invitation to tender published in the following webpage: Calls for tenders - Organisation.
If you are interested, we invite you to submit your tender by 11 February 2025, 23:59 CET in line with the conditions in the tender file. Tenders shall be submitted by e-mail only to this email address: A detailed list of documents to be sent to this email is indicated in the Tender File documents.
All questions shall be submitted in English at the latest 5 working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders only to this email address: