Wexford Local Development: Invitation to join our Training Panel
Invitation to join our Training Panel
Wexford Local Development invites applications from Training Providers/Self-employed Tutors for the delivery of Training Programmes
Wexford Local Development is funded by a number of Government agencies and Departments to deliver a range of programmes, which address poverty, unemployment and educational disadvantage, and to promote social inclusion through community development approaches in areas of socio-economic disadvantage.
Our Core purpose is “To create opportunities that promote equality and improve quality of life for people and communities.”
The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024-2028 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion at a local level through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies. SICAP is a targeted, holistic programme, for those who are most disadvantaged and less likely to access mainstream services, which provides supports directly to beneficiaries and links them into existing services.
Self Employed Tutors/Contract Trainers professional qualifications and/or experience must correspond with at least one of the following as a minimum requirement:
- The Tutor must hold a recognized qualification in the particular discipline at least 1 level (equivalent to the National Framework of Qualifications) above the module or overall course certification to be delivered and have at least 2 years related professional experience in the discipline. A recognized teaching/training qualification is desirable.
- The Tutor must hold a recognized qualification in the particular discipline at the same level (equivalent to the National Framework of Qualifications) and have a minimum of 4 years related professional experience in the discipline.
- Where no recognized professional qualification exists for the course, the Tutor must have a minimum of 5 years related experience in the discipline.
- Experience of delivering to named SICAP target groups is highly desirable.