Safetynet Primary Care: Request for Tender - Strategic Planning Process

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Request for Tender - Strategic Planning Process

Safetynet Primary Care CLG

Safetynet began as ‘Safetynet Ireland’, a network for health professionals and organisations working to improve health care access for homeless people. The organisation was incorporated in 2009 and later received registered charity status. In 2015 Safetynet changed its mandate, and name, to become Safetynet Primary Care and included health care service provision among its core activities. In 2024 Safetynet continues its networking remit, facilitating coordinated health care through a shared electronic patient record system, Socrates. Safetynet also now employs GPs, Nurses and support workers to provide services to the homeless, vulnerable groups, people impacted by addiction, the Roma community and International Protection Applicants. The service continues to identify gaps in health services and facilitate the development of responsive services to the most marginalised in our society, and advocate for inclusion into mainstream healthcare provision.

Our Vision

That everyone has equal access to healthcare and should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential and no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential.


Safetynet are now seeking a suitably qualified individual or agency to facilitate a collaborative planning process, and produce an accessible, concise planning document. A full brief is attached.

Application Process

To apply, please submit a PDF or MS Word Document with details under the following headings:

  • Contact details of individual or organisation tendering
  • Relevant experience, including CVs of people who will work on the project
  • Your understanding of the work to be completed
  • Proposed methodology, timeline and deliverables
  • Cost
  • Evidence of tax clearance
  • Two references related to similar work undertaken

Tenders will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Understanding of the work to be completed - 15 points
  • Experience of tenderer - 25 points
  • Proposed methodology - 30 points
  • Cost - 30 points

Shortlisted applicants may be invited to make a presentation prior to any decision to confirm appointment.

Applications should be submitted to, Nicola Perry, with subject line: Safetynet Strategic Planning Tender to by 23rd of September 2024 at 5.00pm.

Attachment Size
Tender Brief 60.94 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Nationwide