Dublin City North Children & Young People’s Services Committee: Invitation to Tender

Dublin City North Children & Young People’s Services Committee logos

Dublin City North Children & Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC)
invites tender submissions of a detailed Research and development evidenced baseline report including analysis and a webinar to explain the data collected


Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland. Their age remit spans all children and young people aged from 0 to 24 years. The purpose of CYPSC is to ensure effective interagency co-ordination and collaboration to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people in their area. The Committees are responsible for improving the lives of children, young people and families at local and community level by improving provision and delivery of key services. Young Ireland the National policy Framework (2023- 2028) is a key policy document for CYPSC which provides a structure for planning and actions. CYPSC: Shared Vision, Next Steps provides the road map for the further development of the CYPSC initiative over the period 2019 - 24. Further details about CYPSC can be found here.

Dublin City North CYPSC wants to add current information and data to a CYPSC plan by updating the demographics and analysing the information for future planning. Dublin City North CYPSC now wishes to engage an expert to support gathering the information and completing the evidenced baseline report, drawing on data sources, policy frameworks and research, as relevant. A webinar and a breakdown of analysis will also be required to ensure user friendly information is selected from the data collected and inform plan and focus for the work across the area of Dublin City North.

Aim and Objectives:

The aim is to develop evidence informed census profile and demographic analysis that can identified need and future planning and gives access to up to date data that reflects deprivation and breakdown of population, gender, nationality etc.

  • The document will spotlight and prioritise areas of needs of children, young people and families in Dublin City North
  • The report will breakdown the data and give analysis that will support the needs of children, young people and families in Dublin City North
  • To update a socio-demographic profile of the area, where possible (building on newly available Census data) as well as other publicly available data sources
  • To liaise regularly with the CYPSC Coordinator who will communicate with the Chairperson of the CYPSC Subgroup structures as well all aspects of the process, design and production of final report.


A final report/plan that document needs to be comprehensive and capture all relevant data to support the work of CYPSC and to assist meeting the needs of Children young people and their families. The information used needs to be the most accurate up to date information available. A webinar will assist this process for questions to be answered and for analysis to be shared. A user-friendly guide will also be required (no more than 3 pages) to analysis the data captured.


This project will begin in September 2024, with the final report to be completed and approved by October 2024.


A budget of €9,000 (including VAT and all associated costs for the duration of the project) is approved for this project. A combination of online and in-person meetings, as necessary, is envisaged for the purposes of this project.

  • All costs must be inclusive of VAT and expenses
  • Demonstrate value for money
  • Breakdown of costs showing the number of days required to complete the task, the number of days each person, if there is more than one person involved, will be employed on the task, the cost per day.
  • The fee quoted should include travel and subsistence costs


This is a fixed price contract that will be awarded following a competitive procurement process. Tenders should include:

All submissions should be emailed to mary.obrien1@tusla.ie by11th of September 2024 as we are looking for completion of the work by October 2024. Review of tenders will be completed by 12th of September 2024.

  • Brief overview of organisation/consultancy and suitable personnel for project lead
  • Outline of relevant experience (track record in strategic planning, facilitation and consultation, including specific experience of consulting children/young people, including confirmation of Garda Vetting. managing projects of similar scale and size. Please include links to similar reports
  • Detailed description of methodology and timeline for proposal.
  • A proposed work plan and programme, with start & finish dates, including a timeline for specific tasks.
  • 2 Referees, including contact details.
  • Breakdown of costing, inclusive and exclusive of VAT.
  • Tax clearance access number details.
  • Evidence of Insurance


The review of tenders will be completed by the 11th of September 2024 and the successful applicant must be able to commence the work as soon as possible after the awarding of the contract., with final version of report to be completed and approved by Dublin City North CYPSC in October 2024.


The total budget available for this work is 9,000, This is inclusive of VAT and all expenses.

Criteria for assessment of tenders

  • Relevant experience as related to the project - 20
  • Proposed Methodology, project structure & time frame - 30
  • Demonstrate knowledge of consultation with wide variety of stakeholders - 30
  • Costings & Value for Money - 20

Please note that a clarification meeting, including a presentation and interview of the tenderers may form part of the tender award process if deemed necessary by the assessment pan

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin