Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Substitute Teaching Panel 2024 – 2025


 GRETB Subject Teacher 

Teaching and Learning is the core focus of the school. Good teaching which promotes learning, progress and enjoyment is the key to raising standards. As such we aim to ensure that every student has access to a high quality education which will allow them to achieve their full learning potential. We seek to develop a school culture in which teachers are also inquisitive learners, engaged in reflective practice, constantly evaluating and developing their professional practice and being fully supported to do so.

Teaching and learning

Teachers should strive to deliver consistently outstanding lessons by:

  • Continuously refreshing subject knowledge, understanding the courses they are delivering and using current teaching and learning initiatives so that their expertise can be shared with students in order to enthuse them, challenge and secure their progress
  • Ensuring that they use prior attainment and other data to be aware of the capabilities and specific learning needs of all students in their classes so that they plan lessons, differentiate activities and deploy support appropriately so that all students can access the curriculum, make good progress and be challenged regardless of their ability
  • Planning structured and well-paced lessons which employ a wide variety of interesting and imaginary activities and resources, including the use of technology where appropriate, in order to sustain student engagement, concentration, motivation and application
  • Setting clear and appropriately challenging learning objectives linked to subject curricula and ensuring that these objectives are shared with students and reviewed throughout the lesson so that students can take greater responsibility for ensuring their progress towards them
  • Effectively checking students’ understanding throughout the lesson using a wide variety of formative assessment techniques, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with a striking and significant impact on the quality of learning
  • Facilitating students to take responsibility for their own learning, providing opportunities for them to work both independently and collaboratively with peers
  • Establishing a positive and productive climate for learning in which the students demonstrate good attitudes to their work and have mutual respect for both teachers and peers alike
  • Managing incidents of indiscipline calmly, consistently applying the schools Behaviour Code sanctions and rewards where appropriate, providing praise and positive reinforcement to foster self-esteem, motivation and confidence
  • Providing learners with regular detailed feedback, both orally and through formative assessment, so that they know how well they have done and are aware of what they need to do next to sustain good progress

Continuing Professional Development

All teachers are expected to engage in school, ETB and nationally mandated CPD as outlined below

We aim to support teachers to achieve outstanding teaching and learning by:

  • Providing quality school-based training focusing annually on a specific aspect of teaching and learning but at the same time ensuring that personalised professional development pathways are also available in order to enable all staff to successfully complete their personal CPD targets as set at the beginning of each year
  • Organising opportunities for colleagues to work collaboratively to share good practice, both within our own school and where appropriate with staff in other local schools
  • Allowing colleagues to attend external training which is specifically linked to their personal CPD targets or Subject Improvement Priorities
  • Encouraging colleagues to utilise peer observation or video technology to evaluate the teaching and learning in their classroom
  • Providing coaching and mentoring where appropriate
  • Establishing a teaching & learning group who will keep abreast of current teaching and learning initiatives and cutting edge research; trial new ideas in the classroom, evaluate their impact and disseminate their findings to colleagues

School Improvement

In order to ensure high quality teaching and learning the Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leaders aim to work in collaboration to constantly review our provision and practice so that we are able to assure the highest quality of standards and to drive forward improvement. We aim to use the School Self Evaluation process as a means of supporting colleagues in their personal improvement so that they excel in their role within the school.

To support this process of self-evaluation and self-challenge we will devise a robust schedule which all teachers are required to engage in:

  • Subject Leaders will meet regularly, at least once every term with Senior Leadership Team working towards an agreed agenda
  • Subject areas will conduct a self-evaluation of teaching and learning at least once per year
  • Subject areas will formally ascertain student voice at least once per year in addition to informal ongoing feedback as part of teaching and learning
  • The Senior Leadership Team and subject leaders will conduct an in-house evaluation of all subject areas at least once every two years as part of their school self-evaluation routines
  • Teachers will be formally observed at least once per year using the school’s lesson observation format by a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • All teachers will have the opportunity to observe another colleague at least once per year.

Pastoral Care

Teachers may also be required to act as Class Caomhnóir so as to assist in the personal development of each student and to monitor student welfare and academic achievement.

Application Process/Apply for the position: 

Contact details: All job queries can be submitted to

All particulars of post and online application process can be found on the GRETB website:

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Person Specification 79 KB
Date Entered/Updated:
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Region: Galway & Roscommon