HSE National Social Inclusion Office: Request for Quotation

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National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework Training

Request for Quotation

EXTENDED DEADLINE (18TH September 2024)


HSE Social inclusion aims to reduce inequalities in health and improve access to mainstream and targeted health services for vulnerable and excluded groups in Ireland. HSE Social Inclusion provides a range of services to support vulnerable groups, including people who use drugs and alcohol.

The National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework (NDRF) (2010) is a framework through which service providers ensure that individuals affected by drug misuse are offered a range of integrated options tailored to meet their needs and create for them an individual rehabilitation pathway. HSE and HSE funded services addiction services are required to work within the NDRF.

A person may require a range of supports during rehabilitation and it is recognised that no one individual or agency can provide those supports. The NDRF provides the framework to assess the person’s individual need and, through the care planning process, facilitates the coordination of the services the person may need. The National Protocols and Common Assessment Guidelines (2013) were developed to support the national implementation of the NDRF. The NDRF also includes the standardised assessment and care planning document.

An eLearning course (Using the National Drug Rehabilitation Framework) is available on HSELand to enable the learner to develop their knowledge of the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework (NDRF) and translate the protocols into practice.


Submissions are invited on

  1. The development and delivery of key working, care planning and case management training in line with the NDRF, for staff working in drug and alcohol services, to include:
    1. Training can take place over a number of days (max 3)
    2. Training will be in-person
    3. The training programme will be delivered in 9 separate locations to 20-25 staff members in each location.
  2. Development and delivery of NDRF training to Managers working in drug and alcohol services, to include an implementation focus on how services will introduce/support NDRF in everyday practices and how services can make systems-level changes to accommodate NDRF practices, to include:
    1. Training should be a maximum of 1 day
    2. Training can be either online or in-person
    3. The training programme will be delivered in 9 separate locations to 20-25 staff members in each location.
  3. Evaluation of training, to include
    1. Pre and post evaluation of training (knowledge, skills, behaviour and impact) including a 6-month post training follow up.
    2. Evaluation of training report to the National Social Inclusion Office.

Submissions should include a proposal outlining:

  • A high-level summary of the training programmes including fidelity to and complementing the NDRF and NDRF eLearning.
  • Detail on how the implementation pathway will be developed and presented.
  • Per-diem cost, to include VAT, for each element of the programme.
  • Approximate venue and travel costs.

Participants for the training programmes will be recruited by the NSIO. All other course administration will be the responsibility of the successful applicant.

Final training package will be subject to sign off by the HSE National Social Inclusion Office and the National Addiction Training Programme.

The development and delivery of training must begin by Q4 2024.

Submission process and assessment

Submissions are invited and will be assessed by the HSE National Addiction Training Programme on the following basis:

  1. Meets the scope of the tender
  2. Experience in the development, delivery and evaluation of training in the health and addiction sector
  3. Evidence of previous relevant work
  4. Timeline for the delivery of the programmes
  5. Value for money (all quotes to be inclusive of VAT)

Submissions from individuals and groups are welcome. Group submissions must include details for each member of which roles they will undertake to deliver as part of the tender and their qualifications/experience to do so. Submissions by email to nicola.corrigan@hse.ie before 5pm on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Further information

Further information on National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework can be found here.

Queries by email only to Nicola.corrigan@hse.ie .

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Tender Document 141.98 KB
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Region: Nationwide