FamiliBase: Trustee - HR

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Trustee - HR

The Organisation

FamiliBase is an organisation delivering services to children, young people and families in Dublin 10. It came into existence in 2014 following a merger process. It is now well established and continues to develop and respond to changing local needs. FamiliBase has three strands of service delivery: Early Years and Afterschool, Child and Family and Youth and Community. It operates an integrated model of practice consistent with the conceptof a one stop shop. Programme delivery occurs at different levels i.e., from universal provision to intensive wrap around services for those with complex / multiple needs.

General Trustee duties of a Charity Trustee

  • Comply with the Charity’s governing document
  • Ensuring charity is complying with its charitable purpose for the public benefit
  • Acting in the best interest of the charity
  • Act with Reasonable Care and Skill
  • Manage the assets of the charity

The Role

FamiliBase are seeking a trustee with a HR background. If you have experience in this area and want to play a role in helping FamiliBase we’re keen to hear from you.

HR Trustee Responsibilities will include the following:

  • Input on all aspects pertaining to HR and employment, FamiliBase has approximately 60 employees
  • Assist with HR strategy that will include ongoing review of the Employee Handbook for the organisation ensuring it complies with current legislation and practice
  • Participate in the People and Culture Subcommittee

Board Meetings:

There will be 7 board meetings and 5 sub-committee meetings a year. Meetings are held in FamiliBase , Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 and online.

Please email info@familibase.ie to express interest in the role.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin 10 & Online