Irish Hospice Foundation: MSc Loss & Bereavement Programmes - Open Evening

About this event

On behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Irish Hospice foundation, we would like to invite you to this online open evening. This open evening is aimed at prospective students for MSc Loss and Bereavement and MSc Loss and Bereavement (Clinical Practice) commencing September 2025.

At the open evening, you will meet some of your lecturers and a past student, as well as the programme director and support staff. You will be introduced to the library and other resources, and receive information about the programme outline, assignments and timetable. There will be space for your questions at the end.

Date and time: Thursday, March 27 · 7 - 8:30pm

Location: Online

Register for free to join us at the Open Evening. 

We look forward to meeting you.

About the MSc Loss & Bereavement Programmes

The MSc Loss & Bereavement and MSc Loss & Bereavement (Clinical Practice) is a collaborative programme from Irish Hospice Foundation and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. These part-time postgraduate programmes are delivered over two years.

For MSc Loss & Bereavement, applications are invited from representatives of a wide range of professional disciplines who wish to develop a deeper understanding of loss and grief at individual and societal level or whose work/volunteering roles involve the organisation of bereavement support in community, health or other areas of general bereavement care.

For MSc Loss & Bereavement (Clinical Practice), applications are invited from mental health professionals such as counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and others who design and implement clinical bereavement interventions as part of their practice.

To download the course brochure, learn more about the programmes, and apply, visit: MSc Loss & Bereavement - Irish Hospice Foundation.

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Region: Online