South East Technological University & Social Justice Ireland: MA in Social Justice & Public Policy

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Applications are open for the MA in Social Justice and Public Policy

Level 9

Social Justice Ireland and South East Technological University Waterford are key partners in this programme.

The MA in Social Justice and Public Policy is a two-year part-time programme which gives students a unique opportunity to develop a theoretical framework and the deep capacity for analysis, understanding, knowledge, skills and practices needed to engage meaningfully in social change towards a more just and inclusive society focusing particularly on influencing public policy.

The MA in Social Justice and Public Policy will:

  • give students the skills to analyse and challenge the existing policy narrative and propose realistic alternatives;
  • ensure that students understand the theoretical framework which underpins different policies;
  • produce graduates with the necessary skills and experience to exercise an effective role in influencing public policy for social justice, offering a critical social analysis of the current situation, researching and developing evidence based options, negotiating effectively and advocating for change.

In taking on this programme students will be able to:

  • learn from expert academics and practitioners in social justice and public policy using case studies from Irish and International contexts;
  • study and network with others from a wide range of experiences and disciplines;
  • pursue their relevant interests via self-directed learning, assignments and a dissertation.

This MA is particularly suitable for students seeking to promote a fairer society, including people from business, community, voluntary, social inclusion, environmental organisations, trade unions, public service, and religious sectors. Many applicants will be working in a voluntary or paid capacity with an organisation, group or office involved with social justice or addressing issues affected by public policy.

For more information, see our course page or Social Justice Ireland

Application details are available from our course page

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin