National Disability Authority: Call for Proposals
The NDA is inviting proposals for two health related Literature Reviews from organisations, institutions and individuals who have a strong track record in research. Researchers are invited to submit proposals for one or both reviews to be delivered by October 2025.
Literature Review 1: Autism, LGBTQ+ Identities and Health
We require a review of academic literature and grey literature to better understand autistic LGBTQ+ people in relation to health disparities, barriers to health care and promising interventions to improve access to health care.
Literature Review 2: Autism, Ageing and Life-Expectancy
We require a review of academic literature and grey literature to outline methodological challenges in understanding morbidity and mortality in autistic adults, to examine differences in life expectancies, examine the causes and consequences of frequently occurring health conditions in autistic adults, and modifiable factors to improve the health of autistic adult and their access to quality health care.
Those interested in applying should review the full Call for Proposals and Application Forms, available for download here. Deadline for receipt of completed applications is Tuesday 22nd April 2025 (12 noon).
Please address any queries you have to:
Background information
The literature reviews are required to fulfil commitments under Action 81 of the Autism Innovation Strategy. The Strategy was launched on 26th August 2024 by The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. It is a framework for cross-government actions to address the bespoke challenges and barriers facing autistic people. The National Disability Authority (NDA) is leading on Action 81 to invest in research that informs policy and practice around appropriate health and social care services and supports for autistic people.