Vision Ireland: Book-Club Assistants

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Book-Club Assistants required (Dun Laoghaire)

Vision Ireland facilitates a monthly in-person book club for our service users living with sight loss and vision impairment in our Dun Laoghaire office. This group offers an opportunity to discuss books of choice, assist in accessing our Library Services and to increase the social network of our service users, fostering a sense of community among people with sight loss and Vision Ireland.

Volunteer’s Role

We require two individuals to assist in welcoming and coordinating the meetings. The group has an existing facilitator.

The duties of the volunteers will be:

  • To welcome participants to the office and assist in guiding service users as required.
  • To organise the room in advance and prepare tea/coffee for participants.
  • To ensure that following the meeting, participants are guided to their transport/taxis etc.
  • To sit in on the Book Club itself and assist the facilitator as required.
  • To assist in tidying the space post-meeting.
  • To provide an attendance list to Vision Ireland staff.
  • To be alert for any concerns that may arise in meetings and to assist in directing participants to appropriate support from Vision Ireland as required.

This group meets on the last Friday of every month. Volunteers will be required from 10am to 1pm (3 hours).

Volunteer Benefits

  • Access to online “Vision Champions” course.
  • Opportunity to learn more about accessible library services.
  • Opportunity to learn more about facilitating a group with specific needs and interests.
  • To play a part in maintaining and sustaining an important resource for members of the local community.


Applicants must be prepared to undergo Garda Vetting.


Peter O’Toole (Head of Counselling, Wellbeing & Emotional Support). or 086 4408191

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin