Volunteer Ireland: Trustee (Communications and PR Skills)


Role Title: Trustee (Communications and PR Skills)

Accountable to: The Chairperson and the Board of Directors.

Status: Unpaid, voluntary role, 3-year term

Committee Membership: Optional

Volunteer Ireland Trustee (Communications and PR Skills) Vacancy

Summary of role

Volunteer Ireland is seeking a new Trustee who has experience in communications and public relations, to join our Board of Directors. The role involves playing an active role in the organisation’s governance and strategic direction and taking a leading role on matters relating to communications and public relations.

Role description

Responsibilities related to experience of communications and public relations:

  • Helping to ensure that the perspective and importance of communications and public relations is heard on the Board of Volunteer Ireland.
  • Providing general expertise on matters relating to communications and public relations.
  • Acting as a mentor and sounding board for Volunteer Ireland’s communications and public relations team.
  • Challenging Volunteer Ireland to develop and improve our communications activities.
  • Assisting in identification and securing of sponsorship for flagship events.
  • Acting as Board spokesperson for Volunteer Ireland, from time to time.

General responsibilities:

  • Taking an active role in the committees of the board.
  • Taking an active role in supporting Volunteer Ireland to establish and review policies and procedures.
  • Providing strategic leadership of Volunteer Ireland.
  • Upholding and working towards the vision, mission, values and strategic goals of Volunteer Ireland and ensuring the organisation continues to work towards these.
  • Acting in the interests of Volunteer Ireland as outlined in the Board Handbook.
  • Agreeing a schedule of matters specifically reserved for major decision-making by the Board (including the strategic plan, annual workplan and budget, new services, policy changes, etc.).
  • Ensuring Volunteer Ireland complies with relevant legal requirements.
  • Promoting prudent and effective management of organisational resources (financial and human).
  • Ensuring there are strategies and policies in place that will support the objectives of Volunteer Ireland.
  • Developing and monitoring effective risk management strategies for Volunteer Ireland.
  • Developing and monitoring internal systems that are transparent and accountable to stakeholders.
  • At all times, acting with integrity and upholding the interests of the organisation.
  • Championing Volunteer Ireland.
  • Promoting the reputation of Volunteer Ireland and not bringing the reputation of the organisation into disrepute.

Person specification

The successful candidate will have professional experience and a successful track record of strategic leadership and communications/PR.

Essential Experience, Skills and Personal Qualities:

  • Minimum five years’ professional experience in a communications or PR role, either with a non-profit organisation, as a consultant with an agency, and/or in house with a for-profit company.
  • Creativity and ability to come up with fresh ideas and solutions to communications and public relations challenges.
  • Strong business acumen and the ability to understand complex organisational issues and risk quickly.
  • Political astuteness – ability to grasp relevant issues underpinned by an understanding of developing partnerships and building relationships with other organisations.
  • Proven record of working with diverse groups or stakeholders and the ability to foster inclusion while working in the area of communications and public relations
  • A strong commitment to the values of inclusion, diversity and equality.
  • An enquiring mind, with the confidence to challenge constructively.
  • Recognition of the importance of supporting collective decisions.
  • Strong communication and listening skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Calm under pressure.
  • Able to manage a wide variety of situations in a meeting and help ensure that the outcomes are in the best interest of the organisation.
  • Commitment to the vision and values of Volunteer Ireland.

Desirable Experience, Skills and Personal Qualities:

  • Experience as a volunteer or volunteer manager.
  • Knowledge of the community and voluntary sector.
  • Board level experience in the non-profit sector.
  • Governance skills including experience of strategic planning, organisational performance management and service development.
  • Experience in implementing organisational best practice in relation to inclusion, diversion and equality.

Time requirement


Time estimate (per year)

Preparing for and attending 5 Board meetings per year (held on Tuesdays at 4pm at Volunteer Ireland’s office in Dublin, at an agreed location or online)
2 hours prep and 2 hours meeting x 5 meetings per year = 20 hours

Providing expertise on volunteer management and engagement as issues arise.
8 hours

(Optional: Attending committee meetings
2 hours prep and 1.5 hours meeting x 3 meetings per year = 10.5 hours)

TOTAL HOURS PER YEAR: 28 hours (=4 working days)


We value diversity and aspire to reflect this in our workforce, our volunteers and our Board. We welcome applications from people from all sections of the community, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief.

Application process

To apply, please send your CV and a brief cover letter outlining your suitability and motivation for applying, addressed to our Chairperson Carmel Murphy: chair@volunteer.ie. Please state “Member of the Board of Directors (Comms and PR)” in the subject line of your email. The deadline for applications is 29th July 2024. Short listed candidates will be invited to an informal meeting to establish suitability.

Description of Volunteer Ireland

Volunteer Ireland is the national organisation that promotes, supports and advocates for volunteering in Ireland.

  • We work with a range of stakeholders to make volunteering accessible, inclusive and of high quality.
  • We build capacity in organisations and companies to create meaningful volunteering experiences.
  • We celebrate volunteering and communicate its impact to Government and the wider public.
  • We advocate for volunteering so that its value is recognised.
  • We support the network of Volunteer Centres and work closely with them to ensure volunteering thrives at local and national level.

Our mission is to promote, support and advocate for excellent, accessible and inclusive volunteering.

Our values are integrity, inclusion, ambition and collaboration.

Volunteer Ireland complies with the Charity Regulator’s Governance Code. For more information about Volunteer Ireland, including staffing and governance, please see www.volunteer.ie.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin