EPIC Programme: FREE Employment and Integration Training for Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Vulnerable Migrants

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EPIC helps unemployed and job-ready asylum seekers, refugees and migrants living in Ireland to increase their chances of finding a job through online training, individual support and partnering with businesses.

How the programme works?

EPIC is a free online programme focused on career development and integration. Over 6-weeks you will:

  • Improve your job applications with direct advice from recruitment professionals.
  • Identify your transferable skills and strengths.
  • Explain gaps in your CV.
  • Improve your interview skills and get feedback from business volunteers (face to face, phone, and online).
  • Network with our business partners, mentors, and recruiters.
  • Integrate and understand Irish work culture.
  • Develop your IT and LinkedIn skills.
  • Develop a career plan and get guidance from a Career Counsellor.
  • Access different services (health, education, employment rights, social welfare, and much more).
  • Explore your further education and employment options.
  • Improve your confidence to achieve your goals.

Who is eligible for this programme?

EPIC is open to unemployed and job-ready adults living in Ireland with an intermediate (as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages standards) level of spoken and written English who are:

  • Asylum seekers with work permits.
  • Refugees, people with Subsidiary Protection or Leave to Remain and with Stamp 4.
  • People with Temporary Protection Certificates.
  • Vulnerable migrants with Stamp 4, dependent Stamp 1G or EU/Irish citizenship who have been living in Ireland for a minimum of 6 months and who are living in difficult circumstances.

How to apply for this programme?

Complete the online application form you will find in our website: https://bitc.ie/programmes/jobseekers/epic-programme/

Upcoming Training dates

  • Tuesday 1st April (morning course)
  • Tuesday 29th April (afternoon course)
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